Mandatory Training

The college requires all Humber employees (support staff, professors, administrators, full time and part time) to be trained on the following:

  • Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act - AODA (all 3 modules)
  • Copyright Training (if you are brand new to Humber, this course will be added to your Blackboard site under "Courses where you are a student")
  • Health & Safety
  • Making Accessible Media (will be added to your Blackboard site under “Courses where you are a student”)
  • Pathways to Human Rights, Education & Action (Look out for information sent by email regarding upcoming training sessions)
  • Sexual Violence Awareness Training (this course will be added to your Blackboard site under "Courses where you are a student")

Note: non-full-time employees can be compensated for the above training. Upon completion, send a notification to your associate dean. Don’t know who your associate dean is? Refer to "Need to See an Administrator?" of this guide.