Program Handbooks and Academic Regulations

In addition to the college’s Faculty Handbook and this guide, the college’s Academic Regulations are an important resource for all professors and students. In a few cases, programs may also have a Program Handbook.

All professors should review the Humber Faculty Handbook prepared by the Innovative Learning team.

2022-2023 Faculty HandbookFor the few programs that have a program handbook, the professor should become familiar with this document as some include contracts to be signed by the students for the use of specialized equipment. The co-ordinator will organize the distribution of a pdf of the program handbook to every professor and student in the program where applicable.

It is essential that professors follow the policies in a way that is in keeping with the overall Faculty and program or it can cause confusion for students and challenges for other professors (eg. how we deal with late submissions of work, how we grade, the requirements that must be in place before a student can start a work placement, among many others).

It is also required that all employees are aware of and familiar with Humber’s Academic Regulations, Code of Conduct, Human Rights and other key Policies and Procedures.