By: Aidan Fisher
I am a huge people person and a huge believer of ethics being the thing that improves businesses/companies, and even society.
I have a big interest in film, photography, media, writing, and the arts in general. PR gives me a sense of being in control, while also caring about how others are perceived. Companies, businesses, clients, etc. should care about how they are viewed by the public in order to be successful.
I like that PR is for people. It is something to help influence the way that a company or a person is viewed by the public. Without it our world would not be as organized, and there would be no direction with how you should set up a company’s/someone’s image.
As a customer and individual, I care about how I am being treated and that the company/person I am supporting is ethical and can be trusted. Good PR and reputation is the main way to be appreciated. You should want to be trusted. I care about being trusted.
I loved my Humber experience. Before completing the PR Management/Corporate Communications program I was at Humber in the Creative Photography program.
The structure of the classes go in depth and teach everyone differently. They cater to anyone trying to learn, which I think is very important. I have very rarely had a negative experience with any teaching staff at Humber. The amazing amount of faculty I have met and worked with definitely outweighs the mediocre.
In my PR program, the teacher I had most frequently was the incredible Trudy Goldenberg. Trudy is so special to me because she truly wanted everyone to learn in the way that worked best for them. She offered different ways of learning, new ways of doing assignments, and different types of testing.
This opened my mind to the fact that there are programs and schools that care about being against the grain in a beneficial way. Humber College was an extraordinary thing to be apart of and valued its students by hearing them.
Definitely Reputation Management. It is the most important thing about PR in my opinion. You need to know your audience, care about your audience, and be honest.
The entire class helped me to realize truly how important it was to pay attention to your customers, how to react to crisis, how ethics can break a business, how “newsworthy” a story is and what to pay attention to, etc.
Thinking of how all minds work and not just yours is critical.
After graduating from the PR Management program last year, I had just begun my role as an Administrative Office Assistant where I also serve as a Front-Desk Receptionist. As the first point of contact, this job helps me to realize how important maintaining a professional personality to customers is, and is giving me experience with transparency, confidential information, and being in control of communication.
I see myself in the future contributing to work in the world of media and the arts. I want to work for companies who care about how their employees are treated. Companies who are who they say they are, and don’t set up a false image.
I applaud media companies who are wanting to work with millennials because the world is changing every day. The internet and how “worthy” your responses are, are important. Content needs to matter.
Since 2017, I have been working on being a Social Media Manager, being a writer for magazines, and beginning my first actual contract Intern Publicist position. All have been going well thanks to my hard work and some great contacts I met through being a student at Humber College.
This program will care about you succeeding. It will teach you the needed skills that you need to develop and know when working in the media field, help you network, bring your confidence level up, and show you that there are different ways to learn for each individual.
Learn more about Aidan here: