Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design News
Marc Colangelo on the Impact of Contemporary Art and Design at Dutch Design Week
Wed, February 12, 2025
In October 2024, I led a group of Humber students to Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, where they explored contemporary art and design and collaborated with design students from Fontys University.
The faculty-led international trip afforded students and faculty a unique opportunity to experience remarkable art and design projects from leading design teams of established creators to recent graduate work from renowned design academies from across Europe. Beyond the obvious inspiration these works evoke, there was a myriad of benefits to this initiative for both faculty and students.
The creative work showcased dealt with a range of issues and variables that impact and shape contemporary art and design. These emerging and present issues go beyond the traditional considerations of form and function, such as use and influence of AI, accessibility, inter-disciplinary collaboration, social design, and sustainability. These issues helped shape much of the work displayed at DDW and underscored the importance of these developments in design and art. Far from hindering the creative process, these variables allowed for further innovation amongst designers and artists.
Students and faculty were able to view the works in person, including speaking directly to the creators about how these variables were parsed out in the creative process. Many of the works of art and design exhibited highlighted the need for expertise in one’s area, balanced by the ability of all artists and designers to work collaboratively together.
As faculty, I was struck by the absence of barriers between the fields of art and design. In the Netherlands, and across Europe, the lines that delineate the boundaries between these two disciplines are blurred. Strong art contains great design, and vice versa, strong design contains great art. Many of these creative works exhibited at DDW 2024 were done in unison between artists and designers, and in some instances, incorporating the work of engineers and scientists. This confirms the importance of and re-affirms the aims of Humber Polytechnic for more robust collaboration: between programs within FMCAD, between faculties at the college, and the institution and international, education partners such as Fontys.
After touring through the various areas of Eindhoven that housed these projects, from design studios to fully immersive, art installations, students were well grounded in the terrain of contemporary art and design and its demands. The students’ experience of DDW culminated in a collaborative brain-storming session with students and faculty from Fontys Interactive Design program. The focus of the session revolved around the use of AI – the ways artists and designers can leverage this tool, while retaining one’s autonomy and creativity.
I encourage faculty and students within FMCAD to partake in this wonderful opportunity to attend DDW and collaborate on interdisciplinary projects that confront issues of accessibility, AI use, and sustainability that will shape our future designs.
Marc Colangelo is the Program Coordinator and Faculty member of the Visual & Digital Arts and Art Foundation programs. Click here for more on Faculty-led International Trips.
Creative advertising students face off in Humber’s Sprint Week
Tue, February 04, 2025
Sprint Week at Humber Polytechnic brings together students, faculty and industry professionals for a whirlwind of creativity and competition.
No news at this time.
Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design Events
LATIN NIGHT! Student Showcase Concerts
Thu, April 03, 2025 | 07:00 p.m. - 09:00 p.m.
Enjoy the up-beat groove and rich harmonies of Afro-Cuban influenced Jazz! Advanced ticket registration required [Photo by Marco Lappano]
Featuring three Humber Music ensembles: the Latin Jazz Band directed by Hilario Duran, the Salsa Band directed by Alex Naar, and the Brazilian Jazz Ensemble directed by Joaquin Hidalgo. This promises to be an enlivening evening of music that compels one to dance in one's seat, if not in the aisles! This final concert of the Student Showcase series for 2024-2025 is a terrific way to bolster one's spirits as we approach the academic finish line. Join us!
Admission Pay-What-You-Can (Free for Humber Students, Staff & Faculty). On sale soon: latin-night-2025-humber.eventbrite.ca.
Find out what shows and performances are coming up at the Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design.
Performing Arts & Music Success Stories
Humber Music Alumni Support Music Educators
Tue, April 06, 2021
Everyone knows that college is a time for learning and developing skills. For those in Humber’s music programs, it’s also a time for developing your network of future collaborators.
Making Waves: A Q&A with Atcheleh Aryee
Tue, April 06, 2021
Atcheleh Aryee is an 18-year-old trumpet major and multi-instrumentalist in her first year of Humber’s Bachelor of Music program.
No news at this time.
Information, Computer & Digital Technology Success Stories
Meet the Faculty: Trever Johansen
Wed, January 27, 2021
Trevor is an instructor in the 3D Modelling and Visual Effects Production program and is an alumnus of the 3D Animation program.
Grad Spotlight: Fadi Sara
Tue, January 21, 2020
Fadi Sara graduated from 3D Animation in 2015 and is now the Tracking and Layout Department Lead at Mr. X in Toronto.
Fadi was recently featured in The Focus Magazine for his team's work on the dramatic scene where Brad Pitt's character plummets 80,000 feet to Earth from an antenna that extends outside the planet's atmosphere.
We caught up with Fadi to find out more about what he does and how Humber helped him get there.
What is your current job title and what does that mean on a daily basis?
My current job title is "Tracking and Layout Department Lead" at Mr.X Inc in Toronto, Ontario. The tasks I perform in a day can vary, so here are some of the things that I do:
Lead - I oversee a team of 8 others on a daily basis as part of my duties as lead. I work with them to address any issues or concerns they have, as well as just general supervision, support, and direction.
New Show Setup – I work with the technical leads in the studio to set up new shows. I help ingest the data that’s been given to us by clients and set up the foundation required for each show so they’re ready for our artists to work with. This includes things like dictating render resolutions, color spaces, and software templates.
Interviews – I conduct interviews alongside my manager to scout for potential new hires in the Toronto tracking and layout department.
General Troubleshooting – I work alongside all the artists in my department to help them with any issues they may have. This can be related to the specific shot/show that they’re working on, or it could be one of our proprietary tools that needs bug fixes.
Pipeline Overseeing – I manage and oversee the pipeline for the Tracking and Layout department across all 3 locations. The "pipeline" is the technical term for the proprietary toolsets that allow for the transfer of data from one department to the other. I discuss, oversee and approve any development that affects the data coming into or going out of the tracking and layout team.
Training – Having worked with a team to pioneer the current training system in place for Tracking and Layout, I still oversee the training to this day. New hires for Toronto are seated next to me and get 1-on-1 time as they are introduced to the tools and workflow. Once they’re at a comfortable level, we put them into production. During this phase, they continue to sit next to me so I can oversee their work and troubleshoot any hiccups they may experience.
Shot Work – If there’s nothing from the above list on my plate for that day, I work on individual shots alongside my team.
What was your career path to get where you are now?
My career path after leaving Humber has been fairly single track. I was hired at Mr. X while still in my third year and have been here ever since. I was brought in as an "Entry Level Tracking Artist". Over the years, I was presented with more responsibility and higher-level tasks as my skillset, knowledge, and experience grew.
In the fall of 2017, I worked with my supervisors to restructure and establish an entirely updated training program for new hires in our department. This training has been widely successful. Over 10 artists have gone through it since and almost all are now at a senior level.
In the spring of 2018, I was given the opportunity to travel to India. We opened a branch in Bangalore and I was sent there to train the staff of the tracking and layout department in our proprietary toolsets and workflows. I held live demos, recorded hours of video training documentation, established personal connections and rapport with the individual artists, and continued communication with them afterwards, overseeing their work and progress.
In the fall of 2019, the position for department lead became available and I was presented with the promotion. I’ve been in that role since.
How did your time at Humber prepare you for what you’re doing now?
Humber did a fantastic job of preparation me for my career.
The education I received allowed me to build a portfolio that helped me acquire the position in the first place.
The outreach to former students and industry professionals prepared me by helping set up an in-depth network of resources and contacts. This helped me understand the importance of communication and references. It was a Humber grad I met through this networking that recommended me for the position at Mr. X, helping me secure the job.
Studio tours and guest speakers hosted by the professors gave me insider knowledge about the workings of the industry, and supported everything the instructors were telling us. Humber also helped prepare me with useful pointers on how to set up my demo reel, website, and resume to stand out more than other applicants.
Find out more about Fadi Sara on IMDB and read the articles where he and his team were featured:
No news at this time.
Creative Arts & Design Success Stories
Marc Colangelo on the Impact of Contemporary Art and Design at Dutch Design Week
Wed, February 12, 2025
In October 2024, I led a group of Humber students to Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, where they explored contemporary art and design and collaborated with design students from Fontys University.
The faculty-led international trip afforded students and faculty a unique opportunity to experience remarkable art and design projects from leading design teams of established creators to recent graduate work from renowned design academies from across Europe. Beyond the obvious inspiration these works evoke, there was a myriad of benefits to this initiative for both faculty and students.
The creative work showcased dealt with a range of issues and variables that impact and shape contemporary art and design. These emerging and present issues go beyond the traditional considerations of form and function, such as use and influence of AI, accessibility, inter-disciplinary collaboration, social design, and sustainability. These issues helped shape much of the work displayed at DDW and underscored the importance of these developments in design and art. Far from hindering the creative process, these variables allowed for further innovation amongst designers and artists.
Students and faculty were able to view the works in person, including speaking directly to the creators about how these variables were parsed out in the creative process. Many of the works of art and design exhibited highlighted the need for expertise in one’s area, balanced by the ability of all artists and designers to work collaboratively together.
As faculty, I was struck by the absence of barriers between the fields of art and design. In the Netherlands, and across Europe, the lines that delineate the boundaries between these two disciplines are blurred. Strong art contains great design, and vice versa, strong design contains great art. Many of these creative works exhibited at DDW 2024 were done in unison between artists and designers, and in some instances, incorporating the work of engineers and scientists. This confirms the importance of and re-affirms the aims of Humber Polytechnic for more robust collaboration: between programs within FMCAD, between faculties at the college, and the institution and international, education partners such as Fontys.
After touring through the various areas of Eindhoven that housed these projects, from design studios to fully immersive, art installations, students were well grounded in the terrain of contemporary art and design and its demands. The students’ experience of DDW culminated in a collaborative brain-storming session with students and faculty from Fontys Interactive Design program. The focus of the session revolved around the use of AI – the ways artists and designers can leverage this tool, while retaining one’s autonomy and creativity.
I encourage faculty and students within FMCAD to partake in this wonderful opportunity to attend DDW and collaborate on interdisciplinary projects that confront issues of accessibility, AI use, and sustainability that will shape our future designs.
Marc Colangelo is the Program Coordinator and Faculty member of the Visual & Digital Arts and Art Foundation programs. Click here for more on Faculty-led International Trips.
Creative advertising students face off in Humber’s Sprint Week
Tue, February 04, 2025
Sprint Week at Humber Polytechnic brings together students, faculty and industry professionals for a whirlwind of creativity and competition.
No news at this time.
Media & Public Relations Success Stories
Bachelor of Public Relations students percolate business-growth ideas for OHO Coffee
Tue, January 28, 2025
Students developed ideas for their Business Fundamentals class with the winning pitch receiving a $600 prize from NEXT, Humber’s internal advertising agency.
Radio Grad Wins 2024 Premier's Award
Wed, November 27, 2024
Humber Polytechnic alumnus George Stroumboulopoulos has received a 2024 Premier’s Award in the Creative Arts and Design category.
No news at this time.
Applied Technology & Engineering Success Stories
Humber Professor of Game Programming Talks About eSports with CBC Radio
Thu, November 08, 2018
Kristopher Alexander, Professor of Game Programming, recently spoke with CBC Radio Canada about eSports and the newly announced Overwatch team.
In the article, he discusses how video game players are real athletes and describes SMSIT’s Game Lab, outfitted with super-fast computers and ergonomic chairs.
Read the full article (note, the article is written in French).
Game Programming Students Demo New Game
Tue, October 16, 2018
On September 27th, The School of Media Studies hosted an event in the E Building concourse in partnership with Microsoft and Relic Raiders.
The event was a live demo for Relic Raiders, a new indie game made by local Toronto developers, which will be released in late October.
Microsoft provided high-end laptops for students to play the game on. After playing the game, students were invited to provide feedback to on-site representatives. The event was a huge success, with over 400 students from all Humber faculties coming to play the game.
The event was also a major networking opportunity for Game Programming students from all years, but especially our third-year students. These students had the chance to connect with an upcoming local developer and to interact with a professional-grade Beta about to go through its final polish, as well as the opportunity to provide feedback and thoughts on how to further improve the game's design.
Overall, Microsoft was overjoyed with how the event turned out and is extremely interested in doing more of these events on an even larger scale.
No news at this time.
Business, Accounting & Management Success Stories
Which Media & Creative Arts program is for you?
Thu, November 19, 2020
Find out at an upcoming program information session!
From Monday, November 23, 2020, to Friday, January 29, 2021, the Faculty of Media & Creative Arts is hosting one-hour virtual information sessions at various times. Connect with our professors to hear how you'll get hands-on experience through Live Labs, performances, and ongoing work-integrated learning, and learn the industry-specific business skills needed wherever your career and your story take you. Your professional future starts here.
Student Success: Devon Jackson
Mon, February 05, 2018
Devon Jackson is crafting an impressive resume: he's made a mark in the worlds of literature, theatre, music, and art.
No news at this time.