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Faculty & Staff News

Marc Colangelo on the Impact of Contemporary Art and Design at Dutch Design Week

Marc Colangelo on the Impact of Contemporary Art and Design at Dutch Design Week

Wed, February 12, 2025

In October 2024, I led a group of Humber students to Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, where they explored contemporary art and design and collaborated with design students from Fontys University.

The faculty-led international trip afforded students and faculty a unique opportunity to experience remarkable art and design projects from leading design teams of established creators to recent graduate work from renowned design academies from across Europe. Beyond the obvious inspiration these works evoke, there was a myriad of benefits to this initiative for both faculty and students.


The creative work showcased dealt with a range of issues and variables that impact and shape contemporary art and design. These emerging and present issues go beyond the traditional considerations of form and function, such as use and influence of AI, accessibility, inter-disciplinary collaboration, social design, and sustainability. These issues helped shape much of the work displayed at DDW and underscored the importance of these developments in design and art. Far from hindering the creative process, these variables allowed for further innovation amongst designers and artists.


Students and faculty were able to view the works in person, including speaking directly to the creators about how these variables were parsed out in the creative process. Many of the works of art and design exhibited highlighted the need for expertise in one’s area, balanced by the ability of all artists and designers to work collaboratively together.


As faculty, I was struck by the absence of barriers between the fields of art and design. In the Netherlands, and across Europe, the lines that delineate the boundaries between these two disciplines are blurred. Strong art contains great design, and vice versa, strong design contains great art. Many of these creative works exhibited at DDW 2024 were done in unison between artists and designers, and in some instances, incorporating the work of engineers and scientists. This confirms the importance of and re-affirms the aims of Humber Polytechnic for more robust collaboration: between programs within FMCAD, between faculties at the college, and the institution and international, education partners such as Fontys.


After touring through the various areas of Eindhoven that housed these projects, from design studios to fully immersive, art installations, students were well grounded in the terrain of contemporary art and design and its demands. The students’ experience of DDW culminated in a collaborative brain-storming session with students and faculty from Fontys Interactive Design program. The focus of the session revolved around the use of AI – the ways artists and designers can leverage this tool, while retaining one’s autonomy and creativity.


I encourage faculty and students within FMCAD to partake in this wonderful opportunity to attend DDW and collaborate on interdisciplinary projects that confront issues of accessibility, AI use, and sustainability that will shape our future designs.


Marc Colangelo is the Program Coordinator and Faculty member of the Visual & Digital Arts and Art Foundation programs. Click here for more on Faculty-led International Trips.


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Creative advertising students face off in Humber’s Sprint Week

Creative advertising students face off in Humber’s Sprint Week

Tue, February 04, 2025

Sprint Week at Humber Polytechnic brings together students, faculty and industry professionals for a whirlwind of creativity and competition.

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Bachelor of Public Relations students percolate business-growth ideas for OHO Coffee

Bachelor of Public Relations students percolate business-growth ideas for OHO Coffee

Tue, January 28, 2025

Students developed ideas for their Business Fundamentals class with the winning pitch receiving a $600 prize from NEXT, Humber’s internal advertising agency.

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Online collaboration enters the real world: Humber and Danish students team up on media campaign

Online collaboration enters the real world: Humber and Danish students team up on media campaign

Fri, December 13, 2024

Media Communications students work with their peers from Business Academy Aarhus in Denmark, creating a dynamic cross-cultural learning experience.

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Radio Grad Wins 2024 Premier's Award

Radio Grad Wins 2024 Premier's Award

Wed, November 27, 2024

Humber Polytechnic alumnus George Stroumboulopoulos has received a 2024 Premier’s Award in the Creative Arts and Design category.

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Humber Grads Making Their Mark as Entrepreneurs

Humber Grads Making Their Mark as Entrepreneurs

Wed, November 20, 2024

Humber grads with a passion for business often start their own companies. This includes Advertising & Graphic Design graduate Renata Reis.

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Fourth Film by Film Degree Prof Gets Theatrical Release

Fourth Film by Film Degree Prof Gets Theatrical Release

Fri, November 15, 2024

Kazik Radwanski's latest film also screened at the 2024 Berlin and Toronto International Film Festivals.

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The Future of Journalism is Local

The Future of Journalism is Local

Tue, October 29, 2024

Humber Polytechnic partners with Village Media to give journalism studnts a competitive edge.

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Bachelor of Creative and Professional Writing Students Launch Literary Magazine

Bachelor of Creative and Professional Writing Students Launch Literary Magazine

School for Writers

Mon, October 21, 2024

Arrival showcases the work of emerging writers from Canadian post-secondary writing programs.

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Flexing Creative Muscles at Nuit Blanche

Flexing Creative Muscles at Nuit Blanche

Wed, October 02, 2024

Humber Polytechnic’s Lakeshore Campus will again serve as a hub for the popular contemporary art event Nuit Blanche

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Alumnus Views Life Through the Lens

Alumnus Views Life Through the Lens

Thu, September 12, 2024

Photography grad John Narvali is a strong supporter of Humber Polytechnic.

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New Humber Cultural Hub to Fuel Creativity and Passion

New Humber Cultural Hub to Fuel Creativity and Passion

Tue, July 30, 2024

Humber students will be learning and creating in the innovative Humber Cultural Hub (HCH) starting this September.

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Emerging Writers Dazzle in Flash Fiction Contest

Emerging Writers Dazzle in Flash Fiction Contest

School for Writers

Thu, July 18, 2024

The winners of the Bachelor of Creative and Professional Writing’s (BCPW) annual Flash Fiction Contest have been announced.

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Humber Students Take Home Multiple Rocket Awards

Humber Students Take Home Multiple Rocket Awards

Mon, July 15, 2024

Students with Humber’s Bachelor of Industrial Design program had a successful showing at an annual design competition where they won several awards.

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Bachelor of Industrial Design Students Participate in BRP International Design Competition

Bachelor of Industrial Design Students Participate in BRP International Design Competition

Wed, May 10, 2023

The Industrial Design program was invited to return and participate in the BRP (Bombardier Recreational Products) International Design Competition!

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Industrial Design Third Year Students Design for Modern Living in Umbra/Humber Studio Project

Industrial Design Third Year Students Design for Modern Living in Umbra/Humber Studio Project

Fri, March 24, 2023

Driven by innovation, Toronto-based Umbra has become a global leader in product design, known for pushing boundaries in its approach to original design.

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Annual By The Lake Book Club Scholarship Awarded to Emerging B.C. - Based Writer

Annual By The Lake Book Club Scholarship Awarded to Emerging B.C. - Based Writer

Mon, February 27, 2023

Layla Reeves, a Vancouver Island writer and student in Humber's Creative Writing Graduate Certificate program, is the 2022 recipient of a $1,500 scholarship.

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Designs Created by Fast Students Unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

Designs Created by Fast Students Unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

Wed, February 01, 2023

Prof. George Paravantes (FMCA) and Dr. Dennis L. Kappen (FAST) proudly unveiled the results of the 2022 ARROW HMI - Humber Industrial Design competition.

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Interior Design Students Visit Toronto’s Newest Athletic Fashion Stored

Interior Design Students Visit Toronto’s Newest Athletic Fashion Stored

Wed, February 01, 2023

Our Interior Design students headed downtown to visit Toronto’s newest athletic fashion store and its unique design.

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Bachelor of Interior Design Students Gain Inspiration From Idea Exchange at Designto

Bachelor of Interior Design Students Gain Inspiration From Idea Exchange at Designto

Wed, February 01, 2023

Our 4th year Bachelor of Interior Design students attended Mason Studio for an Idea Exchange as part of DesignTO.

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Class of 2022 Bachelor of Industrial Design Program

Class of 2022 Bachelor of Industrial Design Program

Wed, June 01, 2022

The Bachelor of Industrial Design program Class of 2022 impressed industry professionals at the in-person Thesis Show themed “Perfectly Imperfect.”

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Today's Designers are Tomorrow's Visionairies

Today's Designers are Tomorrow's Visionairies

Sun, May 01, 2022

The Interior Design Show is Canada’s premier showcase of new products and furniture, superstar designers and avant-garde concepts.

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Industrial Design Alumni Spotlight

Industrial Design Alumni Spotlight

Sun, May 01, 2022

Cristian Loria
Bachelor of Industrial Design, Class of 2020

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Interior Design Prof and Students Design Entrepreneurship Hub in the Maldives

Interior Design Prof and Students Design Entrepreneurship Hub in the Maldives

Tue, February 01, 2022

Bachelor of Interior Design professor Zaiba Mian and two of her students, Lily Donald and Nicola Klahre, participated in the Maldives Enhancing Employability and Resilience of Youth (MEERY) project.

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Industrial Design Third Year Students Design for Modern Living in Umbra/Humber Studio Project

Industrial Design Third Year Students Design for Modern Living in Umbra/Humber Studio Project

Mon, January 17, 2022

This year’s theme was “Outliers”, challenging students to explore new categories, new ideas and really push boundaries with the Umbra brand.

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Catherine Chong Selected Design Judge for Canadian Interiors 2021 Best of Canada Awards

Catherine Chong Selected Design Judge for Canadian Interiors 2021 Best of Canada Awards

Mon, January 17, 2022

Catherine Chong, professor in our Bachelor of Industrial Design program, was selected as a design judge for the Canadian Interiors 2021 Best of Canada Awards!

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Bachelor of Interior Design Graduate Earns Scholarship to SCAD

Bachelor of Interior Design Graduate Earns Scholarship to SCAD

Mon, January 17, 2022

We are beaming with great pride that Interior Design graduate, Suwan Mak-Mancuso has been accepted to the Master of Arts Design Management program at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD).

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Industrial Design Students Design With Global Standards

Industrial Design Students Design With Global Standards

Mon, December 06, 2021

How we design and make products today shapes the world we will inhabit tomorrow.

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Senior Dean Update: Media & Creative Arts Anti-Racism Action Plan

Senior Dean Update: Media & Creative Arts Anti-Racism Action Plan

Fri, October 15, 2021

In June 2020, I committed the FMCA to seven action items to address the attitudes, behaviours and structures that act as barriers for students from Indigenous and equity-deserving communities.

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Update: Humber Music Solidarity One Year On

Update: Humber Music Solidarity One Year On

Fri, October 15, 2021

In June 2020, Humber Music faculty pledged to address systemic racism and gender discrimination in the music programs by working with students, alumni, administrators, and industry experts

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A Message from the Senior Dean: Music Degree Update

A Message from the Senior Dean: Music Degree Update

Tue, April 27, 2021

Over the past few months, the Faculty of Media & Creative Arts began a review of our Bachelor of Music program delivery.

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From classroom to boardroom: Humber student launches eco-friendly business

From classroom to boardroom: Humber student launches eco-friendly business

Thu, April 15, 2021

Xana Mills is a graduating Bachelor of Digital Communications student. We caught up with Xana via email to hear more about her business and how it developed over her time at Humber.

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Grad Feature: Alfredo Films - Alexander, Holly and Shivam

Grad Feature: Alfredo Films - Alexander, Holly and Shivam

Wed, April 07, 2021

Alexander Henry, Holly Rowden, and Shivam Pandya graduated from the Bachelor of Film and Media Production in 2016.

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Grad Feature: Cassandra DePetrillo

Grad Feature: Cassandra DePetrillo

Wed, April 07, 2021

Cassandra DePetrillo has been working in the film and television industry since she graduated from the Film and Television Production program in 2011.

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Grad Feature: Anne Logan

Grad Feature: Anne Logan

Wed, April 07, 2021

Anne Logan graduated from the Creative Book Publishing program in 2008 and has been involved in the Canadian book industry for the past 12 years.

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Grad Feature: Katie Versluis

Grad Feature: Katie Versluis

Wed, April 07, 2021

2015 grad Katie Versluis is a sales manager at NetGalley.

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Humber Music Alumni Support Music Educators

Humber Music Alumni Support Music Educators

Tue, April 06, 2021

Everyone knows that college is a time for learning and developing skills. For those in Humber’s music programs, it’s also a time for developing your network of future collaborators.

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Making Waves: A Q&A with Atcheleh Aryee

Making Waves: A Q&A with Atcheleh Aryee

Tue, April 06, 2021

Atcheleh Aryee is an 18-year-old trumpet major and multi-instrumentalist in her first year of Humber’s Bachelor of Music program.

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Meet Humber Advertising & Graphic Design Graduate, Meghan Vanderstoep

Meet Humber Advertising & Graphic Design Graduate, Meghan Vanderstoep

Wed, January 27, 2021

Meghan Vanderstoep graduated from the Advertising & Graphic Design program in 2019.

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A Q&A with Kait Rak

A Q&A with Kait Rak

Wed, January 27, 2021

Kait Rak graduated from Humber’s Photography program in 2013.

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Young Lion Reflects on the Ad Industry and Humber Experience

Young Lion Reflects on the Ad Industry and Humber Experience

Wed, January 27, 2021

Ellen Porteous is a 2017 graduate of the Bachelor of Creative Advertising and is currently working as a copywriter at boutique agency, Abacus.

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Meet the Faculty: Trever Johansen

Meet the Faculty: Trever Johansen

Wed, January 27, 2021

Trevor is an instructor in the 3D Modelling and Visual Effects Production program and is an alumnus of the 3D Animation program.

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TIFF Social Media Specialist Shares Secret to her Success

TIFF Social Media Specialist Shares Secret to her Success

Mon, December 14, 2020

We sat down with Michelle Nguyen to talk about her role as a social media producer for TIFF, what her creative process looks like, and her experience in the Bachelor of Public Relations program.

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Meet Yvonne Shek, M.Sc.

Meet Yvonne Shek, M.Sc.

Mon, December 14, 2020

As a user experience (UX) practitioner with over 20 years’ experience in the field, I’m excited to bring my passion and experience to my new role at Humber College.

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Which Media & Creative Arts program is for you?

Which Media & Creative Arts program is for you?

Thu, November 19, 2020

Find out at an upcoming program information session!

From Monday, November 23, 2020, to Friday, January 29, 2021, the Faculty of Media & Creative Arts is hosting one-hour virtual information sessions at various times. Connect with our professors to hear how you'll get hands-on experience through Live Labs, performances, and ongoing work-integrated learning, and learn the industry-specific business skills needed wherever your career and your story take you. Your professional future starts here.

Find your session.

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World Audio Drama Day 2020

World Audio Drama Day 2020

Fri, October 30, 2020

October 30th is World Audio Drama Day. To celebrate, we're singling out standout original dramas created by our Broadcasting- Radio students.

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Maria Saba Wins 2020 Writers-in-Exile Scholarship

Maria Saba Wins 2020 Writers-in-Exile Scholarship

School for Writers

Mon, October 26, 2020

Meet thethe recipient of the 2020 PEN Canada-Humber College Writers-in-Exile Scholarship, Maria Saba.

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Industry Insights – Three Questions for Three Leaders

Industry Insights – Three Questions for Three Leaders

Tue, October 20, 2020

We spoke with three industry professionals and heard their thoughts on how the industry is changing and what students can do to keep up and stand out.

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Journalism students premiere documentary at LA film festival

Journalism students premiere documentary at LA film festival

Wed, October 14, 2020

Pearl Under Pressure, a documentary short by Lucy Lau and Harmony Multani, had its public premiere at the Los Angeles Lift Off Film Festival.

The 12-minute film, the pair's capstone project for the Journalism graduate certificate program, highlights efforts to combat child abuse in Uganda. The film grew out of a health and social change intiative led by Denmark's University College Absalon with partial funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. 

Read more about Lau and Multani's film and their experience documenting the stories of women and children in Uganda.

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Emmy Award-winning grad shares secret to her success

Emmy Award-winning grad shares secret to her success

Tue, October 06, 2020

Film & Television Production grad Katie Halliday is a 2020 Primetime Emmy Award winner for sound editing the season three finale of Stranger Things.

She spoke to Humber Today about her work, what it's like to collaborate with the Duffer Brothers, and how she went from Humber Film to Hollywood sound editor. Read her full interview.

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Humber to light up the night during virtual Nuit Blanche Toronto

Humber to light up the night during virtual Nuit Blanche Toronto

Fri, October 02, 2020

Humber College and Humber Galleries are hosting five projects for Nuit Blanche Toronto Online on Saturday, October 3.

Humber is the only participating postsecondary institution and the five projects--available for online viewing for 12 hours starting at 7 pm--are the most by any participating institution.

Learn more about Nuit Blanche Toronto 2020, or find out more about the Humber-sponsored projects, including a short film by students in the College's Indigenous Transmedia Fellowship and a composition by a Bachelor of Music graduate.

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Humber Music alumnus wins 2020 Toronto Arts Foundation Emerging Jazz Artist Award

Humber Music alumnus wins 2020 Toronto Arts Foundation Emerging Jazz Artist Award

Thu, October 01, 2020

Saxophonist and composer Jesse Ryan, a Bachelor of Music graduate, is the recipient of this year's Toronto Arts Foundation Emerging Jazz Artist Award.

The annual $10,000 cash prize recognizes the accomplishments of an emerging jazz musician, and supports "the pre-production, production, and/or recording of original music composed by the recipient."

Read more about Jesse Ryan and his work.

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Public Relations prof, senior fellow honoured for mentorship pilot

Public Relations prof, senior fellow honoured for mentorship pilot

Mon, September 28, 2020

Bachelor of Public Relations program co-ordinator Anne Marie Males and Eileen Tobey were recognized by the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS).

The two were honoured for their work on the Bachelor of Public Relations Senior Fellow in Residence program, which brought Tobey, who runs her own agency, to Humber as the CPRS Senior Fellow in Residence. Males received the 2020 Award of Attainment and Tobey was named the CPRS Mentor of the Year. Read more about their innovative collaboration and the residency program.

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Humber writing and journalism grads nominated for awards

Humber writing and journalism grads nominated for awards

Fri, September 25, 2020

Alumni of Humber's creative writing and journalism programs have been honoured for their work as essayists and documentary filmmakers.

Michelle Doyle and Cathrin Hagey, graduates of the creative writing program, were recently named to the CBC Nonfiction Prize longlist. Doyle was nominated for "The Intensive," an excerpt from her recently completed memoir about identity and personal development, and Hagey was nominated for "The Fringe," an essay about a difficult moment in her childhood.

Postgraduate journalism alumni Lucy Lau and Harmony Multani are nominated for the People's Choice Award at the Los Angeles Lift-Off Film Festival for their short film, Pearl Under Pressure: The Impact of Violence Against Children in Uganda. The film, which documents the work of the The Denmark Uganda Vietnam Exchange (DUVE), was shot over a week in January 2020 as part of an international learning opportunity through Humber College. Read more about the film and Lau and Multani's experience in Uganda.

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Industrial Design Student Wins at BRP International Design Competition

Industrial Design Student Wins at BRP International Design Competition

Fri, July 24, 2020

Industrial Design student, Bradley Staite, recently won the 2019 Bombardier Recreational Products’ (BRP) International Design Competition.

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A Q&A with Marthese Fenech

A Q&A with Marthese Fenech

School for Writers

Mon, July 20, 2020

For Marthese Fenech, the inspiration for her novels struck when she was just a teenager, and it has stuck with her ever since.

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A Q&A with Sidura Ludwig, author of You Are Not What We Expected

A Q&A with Sidura Ludwig, author of You Are Not What We Expected

School for Writers

Wed, July 08, 2020

You Are Not What We Expected, a new collection of stories by School for Writers graduate Sidura Ludwig, wasn’t the book she expected it to be.

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A Q&A with Sharif Khan

A Q&A with Sharif Khan

School for Writers

Mon, July 06, 2020

School for Writers graduate, Sharif Khan, published his first novel, Brave Fortune. He told us how it came to be and how Humber helped along the way.

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A Q&A with Madhur Anand, author of This Red Line Goes Straight To Your Heart

A Q&A with Madhur Anand, author of This Red Line Goes Straight To Your Heart

School for Writers

Thu, July 02, 2020

Two-time School for Writers grad, Madhur Anand, told us a bit about her latest book and about what she learned during her time at Humber.

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Humber Music Solidarity

Humber Music Solidarity

Mon, June 29, 2020

An open letter from the Humber Music faculty to our students, alumni and community.

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Media & Creative Arts Anti-Racism Action Plan

Media & Creative Arts Anti-Racism Action Plan

Thu, June 25, 2020

In being accountable to our communities and to ourselves, our Action Plan will ensure transparency and collaboration around the work we need to do.

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Take A Deep Breath, Reflect, and Take A Chance

Take A Deep Breath, Reflect, and Take A Chance

Tue, June 16, 2020

For the majority of students, the pandemic has meant having to adapt to online learning, remote internships, and seizing new opportunities.

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It’s hard, I know. But, you’ll get there.

It’s hard, I know. But, you’ll get there.

Mon, May 11, 2020

To those students who are worried, stressed, confused, and lost, I understand.

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Nadia L. Hohn’s Essential CanLit for Young Readers

Nadia L. Hohn’s Essential CanLit for Young Readers

School for Writers

Tue, March 31, 2020

We asked children’s author, educator and Humber School for Writers alumna Nadia L. Hohn to recommend her top Canadian books for young readers.

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Humber Industrial Design Chair Show

Humber Industrial Design Chair Show

Mon, March 09, 2020

FAST and the Bachelor of Industrial Design program hosted the annual Chair Show on March 9th, 2020 at the Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation.

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Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology (FAST) Design Networking Event 2020

Faculty of Applied Sciences & Technology (FAST) Design Networking Event 2020

Thu, February 06, 2020

The annual Design career event, hosted by FAST’s Co-op & Work Placement Services, brought together students and employers.

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Rising Stars: Humber Today Profiles Grads

Rising Stars: Humber Today Profiles Grads

Mon, January 27, 2020

Four Theatre Performance grads graced the Winter 2016 cover of Humber Today and we couldn't be prouder.

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Three Hats Are Better Than One

Three Hats Are Better Than One

Mon, January 27, 2020

When Joseph Recinos graduated from Humber’s Theatre Performance program in 2011, he had already signed with an agency.

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Nominated for Five Video Game Awards

Nominated for Five Video Game Awards

Fri, January 24, 2020

Kaitlin Tremblay, a graduate of Humber's Creative Book Publishing program, has been nominated for five video game awards.

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Ashley Comeau

Ashley Comeau

Thu, January 23, 2020

How does a Toronto actor and improviser end up co-founding an improv festival in Cape Town, South Africa? Ashley Comeau shares her story.  

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Humber grad wins 2016 Tim Sims Encouragement Award

Humber grad wins 2016 Tim Sims Encouragement Award

Thu, January 23, 2020

Humber grad wins 2015 Tim Sims Encouragement Award

Humber grad wins 2015 Tim Sims Encouragement Award

Thu, January 23, 2020

"New Faces 2015" Industry Show

"New Faces 2015" Industry Show

Thu, January 23, 2020

Grad Spotlight: Fadi Sara

Grad Spotlight: Fadi Sara

Tue, January 21, 2020

Fadi Sara graduated from 3D Animation in 2015 and is now the Tracking and Layout Department Lead at Mr. X in Toronto. 

Fadi was recently featured in The Focus Magazine for his team's work on the dramatic scene where Brad Pitt's character plummets 80,000 feet to Earth from an antenna that extends outside the planet's atmosphere.

We caught up with Fadi to find out more about what he does and how Humber helped him get there.

What is your current job title and what does that mean on a daily basis?

My current job title is "Tracking and Layout Department Lead" at Mr.X Inc in Toronto, Ontario. The tasks I perform in a day can vary, so here are some of the things that I do:

Lead - I oversee a team of 8 others on a daily basis as part of my duties as lead. I work with them to address any issues or concerns they have, as well as just general supervision, support, and direction.

New Show Setup – I work with the technical leads in the studio to set up new shows. I help ingest the data that’s been given to us by clients and set up the foundation required for each show so they’re ready for our artists to work with. This includes things like dictating render resolutions, color spaces, and software templates.

Interviews – I conduct interviews alongside my manager to scout for potential new hires in the Toronto tracking and layout department.

General Troubleshooting – I work alongside all the artists in my department to help them with any issues they may have. This can be related to the specific shot/show that they’re working on, or it could be one of our proprietary tools that needs bug fixes.

Pipeline Overseeing – I manage and oversee the pipeline for the Tracking and Layout department across all 3 locations. The "pipeline" is the technical term for the proprietary toolsets that allow for the transfer of data from one department to the other. I discuss, oversee and approve any development that affects the data coming into or going out of the tracking and layout team.

Training – Having worked with a team to pioneer the current training system in place for Tracking and Layout, I still oversee the training to this day. New hires for Toronto are seated next to me and get 1-on-1 time as they are introduced to the tools and workflow. Once they’re at a comfortable level, we put them into production. During this phase, they continue to sit next to me so I can oversee their work and troubleshoot any hiccups they may experience.

Shot Work – If there’s nothing from the above list on my plate for that day, I work on individual shots alongside my team.

What was your career path to get where you are now?

My career path after leaving Humber has been fairly single track. I was hired at Mr. X while still in my third year and have been here ever since. I was brought in as an "Entry Level Tracking Artist". Over the years, I was presented with more responsibility and higher-level tasks as my skillset, knowledge, and experience grew.

In the fall of 2017, I worked with my supervisors to restructure and establish an entirely updated training program for new hires in our department. This training has been widely successful. Over 10 artists have gone through it since and almost all are now at a senior level.

In the spring of 2018, I was given the opportunity to travel to India. We opened a branch in Bangalore and I was sent there to train the staff of the tracking and layout department in our proprietary toolsets and workflows. I held live demos, recorded hours of video training documentation, established personal connections and rapport with the individual artists, and continued communication with them afterwards, overseeing their work and progress.

In the fall of 2019, the position for department lead became available and I was presented with the promotion. I’ve been in that role since.

How did your time at Humber prepare you for what you’re doing now?

Humber did a fantastic job of preparation me for my career.

The education I received allowed me to build a portfolio that helped me acquire the position in the first place.

The outreach to former students and industry professionals prepared me by helping set up an in-depth network of resources and contacts. This helped me understand the importance of communication and references. It was a Humber grad I met through this networking that recommended me for the position at Mr. X, helping me secure the job.

Studio tours and guest speakers hosted by the professors gave me insider knowledge about the workings of the industry, and supported everything the instructors were telling us. Humber also helped prepare me with useful pointers on how to set up my demo reel, website, and resume to stand out more than other applicants.

Find out more about Fadi Sara on IMDB and read the articles where he and his team were featured:

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Grad Spotlight: Ross Munro

Grad Spotlight: Ross Munro

Tue, January 21, 2020

Ross Munro graduated in 1986 from the Film & Television Production Program. We asked Ross about his journey from Humber student to filmmaker.

What are you doing now and what was your career path to get here?

After gaining valuable experience in all facets of film work, I decided to specialize in Screenwriting and, a few years after graduating, found myself writing and directing my first feature film "Brewster McGee" which was shot on 16mm black and white film. Over the next several years, I continued my filmmaking journey here in Vancouver with my documentary short "Broken Palace" as well as my most recent feature film "A Legacy of Whining" (which I also acted in). I have just completed (along with my Producer/wife Maria) our new documentary "European Tour '73".

Tell us some of your favourite Humber memories.

The memories that I cherish most from my time at Humber are of the many great friendships that I made with my fellow Humber film students and the amazing (and sometimes nerve wracking) moments we spent getting our film projects across the finish line in time!

Also, upon arriving at Humber College, I immediately found the offices of the campus newspaper "The Humber Voice" and became the film critic for the paper for the next three years. This allowed me to received a press pass to cover the Toronto International Film Festival which was enormously exciting ("Hey! Is that Roger Ebert getting on the elevator...!).

How did Humber help you get where you are now?

I think the best thing about studying film at Humber College was how well it prepared me for real life in the film world. Just like in the film business, we had to learn how to exist and get along within a group of fellow crew members and be able to respect and listen to each other's creative ideas and to balance and be productive amongst all the different personalities and viewpoints involved. Also, the course's expectation of having us learn all the different functions and duties in the film world gave us a very well-rounded and valuable opportunity for some incredible hands-on learning.

Share a tip for upcoming filmmakers.

I think it's important for potential filmmakers to get a solid understanding of their craft - whether it's going to film school or learning online or especially going to as many movies as possible - that's key. When I went to Humber, I used to jump on a bus downtown almost everyday after class and see as many movies as I could (they used to have a collection of very cool repertory movie houses that featured amazing film titles from North America and around the world!).

Also, I think it shouldn't be overlooked just how important it is for filmmakers to get out and meet as many like-minded individuals as possible (yes, that dreaded word "networking"!). Making a film is a social experiment at all times and you will need as many people pulling in the same direction as you as possible. Get out of your comfort zone and start being part of your chosen community! Help other filmmakers on their sets, support other filmmakers and creatives - the love will make its way back to you!

Watch the trailers for Ross's films "A Legacy of Whining" and "European Tour '73".

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Grad Spotlight: Steve Onotera, The Samurai Guitarist

Grad Spotlight: Steve Onotera, The Samurai Guitarist

Tue, January 21, 2020

Steve Onotera AKA The Samurai Guitarist graduated from Humber's Bachelor of Music program in 2012.

Back in his third year at Humber, Steve made a case for a business which, he happily reports, has been his full time job for nearly 5 years. He told us a bit about the business and how Humber helped him make it a reality.

What are you currently working on and what was your career path to get there?

In 2014, I started a YouTube channel called the Samurai Guitarist. Since then I have built a following of 500k followers with over 54 million views. I've branched out to doing sponsored deals, merchandising, an online guitar course and a number of other things that have built a comfortable and fulfilling life in music. I've traveled the world because of this and can't go into a guitar store without being recognized (this is still weird for me).

What other projects have you worked on since leaving Humber?

A failed country band.

How did your time at Humber prepare you for what you’re doing now?

It was very beneficial, many of the skills I learned at school I still use on a regular basis. From working in the studio to my music business class with Andy Scott, there is very little I learned that I don’t use regularly. 


Photo credit: Jenny Marrin

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Grad Spotlight: Keisha James

Grad Spotlight: Keisha James

Tue, January 21, 2020

Keisha James's work is easy to find - just take the TTC to Dundas station.

Keisha graduated from Humber's Film & Media Production Program in 2018 and we caught up with her to find out more about the project.

Your work is prominently displayed at Dundas station in Toronto. Tell us more.

This is the end result of a year-long artist residency with VIBE Arts and RBC called "Desire Lines". VIBE is a non-profit organization delivering free arts education workshops to marginalized youth across the GTA, and as one of the emerging artists on the roster I was incredibly happy to be a part of this project. I produced a short film, the stills of which are being displayed alongside my headshot and poster on the TTC Pattison panels for one month in Dundas station.

Along with that, I am currently working on my next short film, which is being produced through another program at VIBE. I am an artist in the NExT program, which is a mentorship opportunity specifically for young, Black artists. I will be filming my project next month, which will then be exhibited at a gallery with an opening reception sometime in March.

What other projects have you worked on since leaving Humber?

I produced a short documentary/proof of concept for a future, longer film; I applied for and received a grant from ArtReach for a project I will be running this summer involving workshops and a gallery; and in general have been planning my next film projects.

I also work as a freelancer, so I have continued to do freelance editing and filming since graduation, as well as working as a contract facilitator at some non-profits in the city, as I am passionate about working with and mentoring youth through arts education opportunities.

How did your time at Humber prepare you for what you’re doing now?

I made some of my closest friends while at Humber, and I still work with my crew today. It feels good to be able to collaborate with each other outside of the school setting, and it's great when I'm able to pick who I want to work with.

Photo credit: Aniqa Rahman.

Find out more about Keisha at @keishajamesvideo and @thebrokegallery on Instagram. Her current project is on Instagram at @wtdtyfilm. You can also read more about the VIBE Arts projects here:

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Faculty Spotlight: Kelsley Grant

Faculty Spotlight: Kelsley Grant

Mon, January 20, 2020

Talent is often the result of experience and hard work. I have consistently witnessed talent and natural gifts surpassed by dedication and focus.

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"Sirfing" At Humber: Research Projects Benefit Students and Faculty

"Sirfing" At Humber: Research Projects Benefit Students and Faculty

Mon, January 20, 2020

Dr Andrew Scott, Acting Head of Humber’s Music Degree program (2014-2015 academic year) has been out SIRFing.

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A Q&A with award-winning children’s author Nadia L. Hohn

A Q&A with award-winning children’s author Nadia L. Hohn

School for Writers

Mon, January 13, 2020

Over the last four years, Nadia L. Hohn has written both fiction and non-fiction, publishing picture books, literacy primers, and early readers.

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Success Story: Dan McCarthy

Success Story: Dan McCarthy

Tue, November 26, 2019

Dan McCarthy graduated from Humber's Community Music program in 2001. He recently moved back to Toronto from New York City and

his first project after arrival involved making a recording with his former Humber instructors.

Dan told us more about the CD and what he learned at Humber.



I recently released a new CD called City Abstract, featuring teachers from my Humber days: Ted Quinlan, Pat Collins, and Ted Warren. I had been living in NYC for the last 15 years and just moved back this spring, and this was the first project that I wanted to do. All three musicians had a huge impact on me when I was studying at Humber in the late 90’s, and it was an honour to be able to do a record with them.


I released a record in March of 2019 that features Steve Swallow on bass, Ben Monder on guitar, and Mark Feldman on violin. It was an absolute thrill to get to record with these legends, especially Steve Swallow, who played bass on all of my favourite Gary Burton records from the 1970s. So incredible!

I also did a trio recording with Thomas Morgan on bass and Rudy Royston on drums; that should be released in 2020. I'm very excited about this record too.


For me, it was huge to get to study with people that were actually out there playing on a regular basis. It really has a huge impact on young players, getting to learn from masters already out on the scene playing and doing their own thing.


Follow Dan on social media at @DanMcCarthy on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. (Photo credit: John Rogers)

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Humber Lakeshore Wins at Adobe Creative Jam

Humber Lakeshore Wins at Adobe Creative Jam

Tue, November 26, 2019

Four students in Humber’s Advertising & Graphic Design program won first place in the 2019 Adobe Creative Jam.

Competing in a field of 72 teams from six college, Team “A-Block” -- comprised of Nicolas Diaz, Emily Little, Julia Laing, and Chelsea Speck – created an app to address academic integrity. Check out some images of the app here.

The Adobe Creative Jam is a design challenge that asks students to create a visual or motion design concept based on a theme revealed at the event. After three hours and no rules, the teams present their work to the jury in front of a rapt audience. The 2019 Jam drew over 300 students from Sheridan, George Brown, Seneca, OCADU, Algonquin College, and Humber.

Congratulations to all the students who competed, and especially to Team “A-Block”!

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Success Story: Erik Smith

Success Story: Erik Smith

Thu, November 21, 2019

Erik Smith is a 2016 graduate of our Comedy program, but his career path since then demonstrates both his diverse interests and his diverse skillset.

We caught up with him to find our what he's been working on.



I recently completed the 48 Hour Film Project. It was exciting, partly because it’s a fast-paced creative project that forces you through all of the creative processes of film-making in a very short time-frame, and partly because I used it as a way to test myself as both a director and producer.


Since Humber, I’ve worked on a number of projects. I produced and acted in a couple episodes of a small web series called Business Inc. that Robbie Woods and I wrote together, I worked as a Knight at Medieval Times, and I’ve been involved with a number of different film projects. The latter were largely in a production support capacity and have been great for learning to eventually create my own work. Business Inc. is one of the projects I’m proudest of, and I eventually want to remake it with the production skills I’ve learned since then.


My time at Humber was really great for getting comfortable with my own voice, both on and off the stage. Learning about story structure and joke construction and then getting to practice both through performance was a pretty cool combination to get comfortable with all aspects of the creative process. Humber also gave me an opportunity as a work-study student to learn about more technical and production skills like stage lighting and managing performers; those skills have served me very well in my production endeavors since then.


Find out more about Erik on social media at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, all under the handle @eriksmithcomedy. (Photo credit: Sammy Lo.)

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World Audio Drama Day

World Audio Drama Day

Wed, October 30, 2019

October 30th, the anniversary of the War of the Worlds broadcast, is World Audio Drama Day.

To celebrate, we're singling out three standout original dramas created by Radio and Media Production students for a second-semester course. 

Learn More >

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Students design data for future airport installation

Students design data for future airport installation

Thu, October 17, 2019

Students in the Graphic Design and Web Design and Interactive Media programs had one day to design a physical installation for airports across Canada.

The project is part of the Global Affairs Canada division of the Federal Government and aims to highlight the support Consular Services offer to Canadian travellers.

The hackathon event took place in the Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation and started with an introduction to the design challenge and a briefing call with the client where students were provided the information, materials and inspiration they needed to start their projects.

“When a client is involved, the experience is holistic and involves every aspect of working in the field,” says Bianca DiPietro, program coordinator of the Graphic Design program. “The dynamic between client and student is much more professional and holds a certain level of recognition.”

DiPietro and David Neumann, program coordinator of the Web Design and Interactive Media program say the opportunity for their students to work with real-life clients is great exposure—allowing students to communicate effectively, problem solve and work collaboratively with others.

The students gathered in small groups to design a concept while working with their faculty and advisors to complete their project proposals by the end of the day. Faculty will review the submissions and select up to eight concepts based on uniqueness, creativity and execution. The selected submissions will be shared with Global Affairs Canada to consider the concepts further.  

For one group, their concept is a three-dimensional, hollow hemisphere that resembles a globe and features data and information within it. User-friendly to all ages, the globe can be tilted or spun around to allow users to see inside the globe and learn about Consular Services. 

“Projects like this give validation to the program and show trust in us as working professionals by allowing us to have our work showcased and potentially have our work attached to the Government of Canada,” says Gizaham Jones, third-year Graphic Design student.

Using different skills and methods, a Web Design and Interactive Media group’s concept includes movable Plexiglass panels. With infographics and data printed or engraved onto the materials, the installation will allow natural light in airports like Toronto Pearson Airport to reflect onto it. The concept also features QR codes and Near-field communication (NFC) codes, which lead users to find more information on the government’s website using their smartphones.

“Being able to have clients give you an open-ended project to work with is a great way to get your creativity and development moving and apply what we’ve learned so far,” says Paul Cudmore, second-year Web Design and Interactive Media student.

The hackathon is part of Humber’s Data storyLAB, which is an innovative hub for data-driven storytelling. Based out of the North Campus, the storyLAB will produce year-round research and partnership opportunities for student learning and engagement.

“StoryLAB is an opportunity for students to pair with reporters, developers and coders to discuss the influence data can create in different journalistic settings. The lab demonstrates how data can transform and impact politics, social justice, and the day-to-day lives of Canadians,” says DiPietro.

Humber’s storyLAB and The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting recently created a storyLAB Data Journalism Grant to support independent data-driven journalism. 

For the inaugural grant, Humber and The Pulitzer Center are accepting proposals for stories related to Indigenous lands and property rights. The grant will provide up to $10,000 for a freelance journalist or team of journalists to explore a related story from a data-driven perspective.


This article, by Alysia Burdi, was first published by Humber Today on September 20, 2019. Read the article in it's original context.

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Humber Journalism Honoured by Columbia Scholastic Press Association

Humber Journalism Honoured by Columbia Scholastic Press Association

Mon, October 14, 2019


Humber Journalism publications and students were recognized for excellence by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA).


Convergence and sweat were silver medalists at the CSPA College General Magazine Hybrid Awards, with individual student journalists receiving 15 2019 Gold Circle Award commendations across 11 categories. This year’s CSPA Gold Circle Awards attracted 7187 news and magazine entries from college and university publications around the globe. A full list of individual award recipients is included below.


N03 Editorial Writing

- CERTIFICATE OF MERIT: Staff, "Tuition Poses Unnecessary Barrier to Upward Mobility, Success," Humber Et Cetera, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;

N05 Personal opinion: Off-campus issues

- SECOND PLACE: Devin Nguyen, "No Easy Route to Good Journalism," Humber Et Cetera, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;

N12 Personality profile

- CERTIFICATE OF MERIT: Ross Lopes and David Tuchman, "In Memoriam Harry Leslie Smith," Convergence, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;

N14 Cultural feature

- SECOND PLACE: Elesha Nicholls, "Wingin It," Scribe, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;
- THIRD PLACE: Kateryna Horina, "They Got Chills," Convergence, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;
- CERTIFICATE OF MERIT: David Tuchman, "Paying To Play," Convergence, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;

 N18 Briefs writing

- SECOND PLACE: Kateryna Horina and Austin Spearman, "News In Brief," Convergence, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario.

N29 Single sports photograph

- THIRD PLACE: Paige McGowan, "Bear Hunting," Humber Et Cetera, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;

N37 Newsmagazine Cover

- CERTIFICATE OF MERIT: Chelsea Alphonso and Ross Lopes, "Decolonize It," Convergence, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;

 N38 Page One Design

- CERTIFICATE OF MERIT: Et Cetera Staff, "Higher Education," Humber Et Cetera, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;

N45 Alternative Story Presentation

- FIRST PLACE: Kit Kolbegger and Michelle Rowe-Jardine, "Predators of the Press," Convergence, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;

N46 Design Portfolio of work

- SECOND PLACE: Chelsea Alphonso and Ross Lopes, Convergence, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;

N50 Single Subject Feature Package, Double-truck (two-facing pages)

- THIRD PLACE: Staff, "Legalization Day," Humber Et Cetera, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;

N51 Single Subject News or Feature Package, 3 or more pages or special section

- CERTIFICATE OF MERIT: Chelsea Alphonso, Ross Lopes and Austin Spearman, "Reporting People As People," Convergence, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario;
- CERTIFICATE OF MERIT: Paige McGowan and Art Team, "Centre Stage," Scribe, Humber College, Toronto, Ontario.

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Humber professors nominated for prestigious literary awards

Humber professors nominated for prestigious literary awards

School for Writers

Wed, October 02, 2019

Professors David Bezmozgis and Nicola Winstanley have been nominated for two of Canada's most prestigious literary awards.

David Bezmozgis, co-ordinator of Humber’s creative writing graduate certificate, has been shortlisted for the Giller Prize for Immigrant City, his sophmore short story collection. Bezmozgis is no stranger to Giller nominations; his novels, The Free World and The Betrayers, were shortlisted in 2011 and 2014 respectively. The $100,000 prize will be presented at a gala on November 18.

Nicola Winstanley, co-ordinator of Humber’s Media Foundation program, is a finalist for a 2019 Governor General’s Literary Award in the Young People's Literature – Illustrated Books category. How to Give Your Cat a Bath is the fourth book by the acclaimed children's author. She is a past recipient of both an Ezra Jack Keats Foundation New Writer Award and a Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award nomination. The winners of the Governor General's Literary Awards, valued at $25,000 in each category, will be announced on October 29.

Congratulations, David and Nicola!

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Aaron Berhane Wins 2019 Writers-in-Exile Scholarship

Aaron Berhane Wins 2019 Writers-in-Exile Scholarship

School for Writers

Thu, September 26, 2019

Aaron Berhane is the recipient of the 2019 PEN Canada-Humber College Writers-in-Exile Scholarship.

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Humber and the Pulitzer Centre Create Data Journalism Grant

Humber and the Pulitzer Centre Create Data Journalism Grant

Thu, September 19, 2019

Humber's storyLAB and The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting have created the storyLAB Data Journalism Grant to support independent journalism.

It is the most extensive grant dedicated to Canadian data-driven journalism.

The grant supports projects related to essential and underserved topics affecting Canadians. For the inaugural grant, Humber and Pulitzer are accepting proposals for stories related to Indigenous lands and property rights. The grant will provide up to $10,000 for a freelance journalist or team of journalists to explore a related story from a data-driven perspective.

"Opportunities for enterprise, data-driven journalism in this country are few and far between," says David Weisz, director of storyLAB at Humber College and professor in the Faculty of Media and Creative Arts. "Especially when it comes to covering Indigenous issues, where the cost of travel alone can cause newsrooms to lose their appetite for a particular story. This grant is to ensure that these important stories get told and told properly."

This grant opportunity is now open, and applicants are encouraged to submit their proposals by October 31, 2019. The winner(s) of the grant will be honoured at a cocktail reception on November 15, 2019.

Humber’s storyLAB leverages the multidisciplinary nature of the Faculty of Media & Creative Arts to create collaborative opportunities between Humber staff, students and industry partners. Humber’s Faculty of Media & Creative Arts is committed to fostering data journalism, most recently creating and hosting Data Driven, a data journalism symposium for coders, investigative reporters, developers and data advocates. 

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Humber Film alumni, professor among 2019 Directors Guild nominees

Humber Film alumni, professor among 2019 Directors Guild nominees

Wed, September 18, 2019

When the 2019 Directors Guild of Canada (DGC) Award nominations were announced on September 11, Humber Film was well represented.

Alumni were recognized in four categories for their work as directors, film editors and sound editors. The alumni nominees include

  • Katrina Saville, Director/Writer - I Beat Up My Rapist (Best Short Film)
  • Hugh Elchuk, Editor - Cardinal: By The Time Your Read This, Episode 302, Roman & Irena (Best Picture Editing – Movie For Television)
  • Drew MacLeod, Film Editor - Letterkenny, Episode 501, We Don't Fight at Weddings (Best Picture Editing – Comedy or Family Series)
  • Cailey Milito, ADR Editor - Northern Rescue, Episode 109, Wake Up (Best Sound Editing – Comedy or Family Series)
  • Robert Hegedus, Supervising Dialogue Editor - Heartland, Episode 1207, Running Scared (Best Sound Editing – Comedy or Family Series)

Also nominated is professor and Post-Production program co-ordinator Lara Johnston in the Best Picture Editing – Feature Film category for her work on Mouthpiece. Lara previously won a Canadian Cinema Editors Award for her work on this film.

The DGC Awards will be presented at the DGC Gala on Saturday, October 26, 2019 at The Fairmont Royal York Hotel.

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Humber Media Studies Professor Edits TIFF Film

Humber Media Studies Professor Edits TIFF Film

Fri, September 13, 2019

Lara Johnston, a Professor and Program Coordinator for the Post Production graduate certificate, edited the feature film Mouthpiece.

Mouthpiece was the opening night film for the Special Presentations section of the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Mouthpiece is directed by iconic Canadian director Patricia Rozema and in the words of Danis Goulet, TIFF programmer, is “a potent exploration of how women across generations contend with their own socialization.” Find out how to purchase tickets.

The film was selected as the opening film for the Special Presentations section at TIFF (Lady Bird had this slot last year). Although the film wasn't officially a Humber endeavor, Lara edited the film, had grads as assistant editors and was able to screen a rough cut of the film to her entire cohort from last year, an amazing experience for our students!

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Bria Hiebert Wins 2019 Tim Sims Encouragement Award

Bria Hiebert Wins 2019 Tim Sims Encouragement Award

Wed, September 11, 2019

Bria Hiebert may have graduated from Humber only this spring, but she’s already making a name for herself as a stand-up comic, writer and actor.

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A Q&A with David Kloepfer, author of Cheap Thrills

A Q&A with David Kloepfer, author of Cheap Thrills

School for Writers

Thu, August 22, 2019

In October, after a decade of writing and rewriting, submitting and resubmitting, David Kloepfer’s first novel, Cheap Thrills, will hit bookstores.

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Comedy: Writing and Performance Student Success: Ashley Comeau, Part 2

Comedy: Writing and Performance Student Success: Ashley Comeau, Part 2

Thu, August 22, 2019

Ashley Comeau shares her recent experiences writing and performing comedy in Toronto.

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Bachelor of Music Student Success: Lydia Persaud

Bachelor of Music Student Success: Lydia Persaud

Mon, July 22, 2019

Lydia Persaud has been busy. Very busy since graduating from Humber’s Bachelor of Music program in 2013. 

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Comedy: Writing and Performance Student Success: Erika Ehler

Comedy: Writing and Performance Student Success: Erika Ehler

Mon, July 15, 2019

Award winner and student Erika took this year’s North West heat of the Chortle Comedy Awards by storm.

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A Q&A with Hannah Brown, author of Look After Her

A Q&A with Hannah Brown, author of Look After Her

School for Writers

Fri, July 12, 2019

A good mentor doesn’t only suggest areas for improvement; they highlight your strengths and encourage you to embrace them.

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Bachelor of Music Student Success: Ewan Divitt

Bachelor of Music Student Success: Ewan Divitt

Wed, June 26, 2019

Ewan is a trumpet player, composer and arranger, but he’s also an entrepreneur and craftsman.

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BDES Student Wins First Place at the Boundless 2019 Competition

BDES Student Wins First Place at the Boundless 2019 Competition

Thu, June 13, 2019

Anushka Jadwani, a student the Bachelor of Design, has won first place in the Boundless 2019 Competition, the 7th annual Enabling Change competition.

For this year's competition, DX invited students studying in all design disciplines to submit proposals that develop creative solutions focussed on the accessible navigation of public spaces. Anushka's winning project was called “Connexus”, and the concept was a set of wearable bracelets for young children or older adults with cognitive impairments. The bracelets helped ensure caregivers were able to monitor the safety and location of their ward and help provide directional support and a feeling of security for the wearer.

Anushka and her team came up with the initial concept during a class project earlier this term, where BDES students hosted an ideation session with Fontys students in March. Anushka then refined this concept as part of her class project, submitted it to the competition and won! She was awarded $1500, and her work will be on display at the Design Exchange.

Congratulations, Anushka, on this stellar achievement.

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Radio Humber Outreach Podcast Project

Radio Humber Outreach Podcast Project

Thu, June 13, 2019

Grade five students from Silverthorn Public School in Mississauga visited the Humber campus for a hands-on learning experience.

Assisted by Radio Humber student volunteers Jenifer Tait, Sarah Miranda, Kyle Drinnan - along with Noah Scanga and professor Greg MacDonald - the grade five students wrote, recorded and produced their very own podcast.

Radio Humber Outreach is an initiative of 96.9 Radio Humber - the campus and community radio station housed at the Humber College north campus in Toronto. Working with the teachers, Radio Humber offers select workshops to school children interested in learning about podcasting and the audio world.

Listen to the Silverthorn Public School student's podcast.

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Radio Humber and BRTV Collaborate to showcase Indie Canadian Artists

Radio Humber and BRTV Collaborate to showcase Indie Canadian Artists

Thu, June 13, 2019

96.9 Radio Humber teamed up with the Broadcast Television/Videography Program to bring Canadian artists on campus for an interview and performance.

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Film Professor Wins at Canadian Cinema Editors Awards

Film Professor Wins at Canadian Cinema Editors Awards

Mon, June 10, 2019

Congratulations to professor Lara Johnston on winning the Canadian Cinema Editors Award for Best Editing in a Feature Film for Mouthpiece.

Lara's assistant editor on the film is a Humber graduate and two of her students also worked on other aspects of post-production for the film.

Directed by Patricia Rozema, Mouthpiece centers on Cassandra, an aspiring writer who, while struggling to compose a eulogy after the sudden death of her mother, comes to discover that her own rebelliousness is as much a response to the male gaze as her mother's conformity.

Mouthpiece is currently playing at the TIFF Bell Lightbox until June 13th as part of their Canada's Top Ten programming. Get your tickets here.

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A Q&A with Sonia Saikaley, Author of The Allspice Bath

A Q&A with Sonia Saikaley, Author of The Allspice Bath

School for Writers

Thu, June 06, 2019

Every writer hears the advice “write what you know” at some point in their professional development. But Sonia Saikaley has always wanted to do that.

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Marc Senior: Demanding Discipline

Marc Senior: Demanding Discipline

Mon, May 27, 2019

"My time at Humber prepared me immensely. It helped give me the discipline that is required for this industry."

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Faculty of Media and Creative Arts Students Win Big at this Year's Skills Ontario Competition

Faculty of Media and Creative Arts Students Win Big at this Year's Skills Ontario Competition

Mon, May 27, 2019

The Faculty of Media and Creative Arts would like to congratulate four of our students who won at Skills Ontario this spring.

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Bachelor of Music Student Success: Patric McGroarty

Bachelor of Music Student Success: Patric McGroarty

Wed, May 22, 2019

The 2008 graduate attended Humber Music as a trumpeter, but now makes a living as an audio engineer and entrepreneur.

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A Q&A with Katie Munnik, Author of The Heart Beats in Secret

A Q&A with Katie Munnik, Author of The Heart Beats in Secret

School for Writers

Wed, May 22, 2019

Writing advice isn’t hard to find, but sometimes it’s hard to take—especially when it’s your own.

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Ten Good Things to Stream When the Weather is Bad

Ten Good Things to Stream When the Weather is Bad

Wed, May 08, 2019

And they all just happen to feature Humber grads!


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Comedy: Writing and Performance Student Success: Noah Farberman

Comedy: Writing and Performance Student Success: Noah Farberman

Tue, May 07, 2019

Noah Farberman graduated in 2018, but his collaborations with the Humber Comedy Writing and Performance community continue.

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Faculty Spotlight: Viv Moore

Faculty Spotlight: Viv Moore

Thu, April 25, 2019

"I teach what I practice in my process work and my choreography."

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PR Student Wins Top Prize in Humber Photography Contest

PR Student Wins Top Prize in Humber Photography Contest

Tue, April 16, 2019

Michel Johnson-Figueredo, a first-year Bachelor of Public Relations degree student, recently won first place in Humber's school-wide photo contest.

Michel's photo (displayed below) was taken on a recent trip back home to Havana, Cuba. Congratulations, Michel! We're looking forward to seeing more of your excellent work.

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A Q&A with Carolyn Bennett, author of Please Stand By

A Q&A with Carolyn Bennett, author of Please Stand By

School for Writers

Tue, April 09, 2019

She’s worked as a standup comic and a TV writer, so it’s only natural that Carolyn Bennett’s new project would draw on both of those experiences.

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Bachelor of Music Student Success: Isaiah Gibbons

Bachelor of Music Student Success: Isaiah Gibbons

Wed, March 27, 2019

"With only graduating Humber less than a year ago, I am super grateful for the opportunities I have been granted in music, TV and film."

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David Albertyn’s Undercard is a knock out with publishers

David Albertyn’s Undercard is a knock out with publishers

School for Writers

Wed, March 13, 2019

It’s a familiar motif in literary circles: the unpublished manuscript in a desk drawer or dark corner of a hard drive.

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A Q&A with Leslie Timmins, author of Every Shameless Ray

A Q&A with Leslie Timmins, author of Every Shameless Ray

School for Writers

Tue, January 22, 2019

Writing is often a solitary activity, but connecting with other writers, even informally, has benefits that extend far beyond the social.

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Accessibility Toolkit Developed by Humber Professors and Students Now Live

Accessibility Toolkit Developed by Humber Professors and Students Now Live

Wed, January 16, 2019

The Accessibility Toolkit: A Guide to Making Art Spaces Accessible is now live on the ARI website.

Developed by faculty members, Anne Zbitnew and Jennie Grimard, and in partnership with Tangled Art + Disability and Humber students, 

The Toolkit is intended to educate and inform on how to make the presentation of art inclusive and accessible for all. So far, the toolkit is making its way around the country as a resource and guide for art galleries. It was used in Halifax for their version of Nuit Blanche in October and the City of Toronto is adapting it for use in all their museums and galleries. The Canada Council for the Arts is using it as a resource and Tangled will be developing workshops led by disability-identified artists to educate other public art spaces about access and inclusion.

Congratulations to all involved on this amazing achievement!

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Graphic Design Students Collaborate on Brand Strategy for Oxford Hack

Graphic Design Students Collaborate on Brand Strategy for Oxford Hack

Wed, January 16, 2019

3rd-year students from the Graphic Design Advanced Diploma Program and PhD students from the University of Oxford collaborated together. 

They created a new brand and digital strategy for Oxford Hack, an annual hackathon that is hosted at the University in the UK. Main deliverables for this project were a new brand identity, social assets, website design, print materials, and promotional items.

It wasn't easy. With the time difference and also other obligations of both the Graphic Design students and the collaborating students in the UK, it was a bumpy road.

Fast forward to December 2018 and the result is an absolutely amazing outcome of such a messy but beautiful collaboration. The students created a beautiful brand, style, and collection of collateral that was used at the Oxford Hack 2018 on Nov 24 & 25 at the University of Oxford.

You can view the students' work on the Oxford Hack website and Facebook page.

The students experienced real-life struggles, design difficulties, and the challenges of working as a group internationally.

A big thank you to Vojtech Havlicek and Klaudia Krawiecka, PhD students at the University of Oxford for their openness to collaborate and provide a meaningful experience for the Graphic Design students at Humber College.

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RBD Students Develop Demo Reel

RBD Students Develop Demo Reel

Wed, January 16, 2019

Radio Broadcasting students in the 3rd-semester Radio Programming class pitched a reel for a radio station they thought would be successful.

The demo was created by a group of students which included Noel Marcial, Zachary Davies, Sam Fisher, Collin Skanes and Adam Odeh. Their proposal is for CREL -- Reel-FM -- which would feature music, soundtracks, contests, interviews, and talk - all related to movies. Each member designed their own movie-related show to become part of the station's schedule. Creative production and voice imaging by Noel Marcial.

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A Q&A with Rosanna Micelotta Battigelli (a.k.a. Rosanna Battigelli), author of La Brigantessa

A Q&A with Rosanna Micelotta Battigelli (a.k.a. Rosanna Battigelli), author of La Brigantessa

School for Writers

Fri, January 11, 2019

As Robert McKee said, “Writing is a marathon, not a sprint.” 

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Faculty Spotlight: Nina Hartt

Faculty Spotlight: Nina Hartt

Wed, December 19, 2018

Seeing students begin to apply what they learned in demonstrations into their own assignments is really rewarding.

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A Q&A with Kate Blair, author of The Magpie’s Library

A Q&A with Kate Blair, author of The Magpie’s Library

School for Writers

Wed, December 19, 2018

For some, third time’s the charm. But Kate Blair has been three-times lucky.

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Faculty Spotlight: Maria Ricossa

Faculty Spotlight: Maria Ricossa

Wed, December 12, 2018

"I've always enjoyed the investigation of human behavior: why people do what they do, their struggles their wants and needs."

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Glenys Marshall Wins Tim Sims Encouragement Award

Glenys Marshall Wins Tim Sims Encouragement Award

Wed, December 12, 2018

While theatre may have been Glenys Marshall’s first love, comedy is her true love. The match is a successful one for the Humber Comedy graduate.

Applications Open for 2019 Summer Workshop in Creative Writing

Applications Open for 2019 Summer Workshop in Creative Writing

School for Writers

Tue, December 11, 2018

Connect with writers and get expert feedback from established authors and publishing professionals in our Summer Workshop in Creative Writing.

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Yolanda Bonnell: Telling Stories

Yolanda Bonnell: Telling Stories

Thu, December 06, 2018

Performer, director, writer, theatre company founder, workshop facilitator -- Yolanda Bonnell juggles many roles.

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Humber School for Writers Partners with Toronto Writers' Centre to Offer Exclusive Discount

Humber School for Writers Partners with Toronto Writers' Centre to Offer Exclusive Discount

School for Writers

Wed, November 28, 2018

Working on a new project? Need a quiet space to write and to connect with other professionals? The Toronto Writers’ Centre can help!

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Professors Present at Interactive Ontario’s iLunch

Professors Present at Interactive Ontario’s iLunch

Tue, November 27, 2018

Anne Zbitnew & Jennie Grimard presented Making Accessible Media: Building a Fully Accessible Open Access Online Course at Interactive Ontario’s.

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Otis Williams

Otis Williams

Mon, November 19, 2018

With the improvisation, and music business courses Humber Music has to offer, theory might not seem like the most exciting subject.

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Karin Randoja: Theatre for Theatre’s Sake

Karin Randoja: Theatre for Theatre’s Sake

Wed, November 14, 2018

The Theatre Arts – Performance instructor is an actor, director, singer, composer, and one of Canada’s most sought-after dramaturges.

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Humber Professor of Game Programming Talks About eSports with CBC Radio

Humber Professor of Game Programming Talks About eSports with CBC Radio

Thu, November 08, 2018

Kristopher Alexander, Professor of Game Programming, recently spoke with CBC Radio Canada about eSports and the newly announced Overwatch team.

In the article, he discusses how video game players are real athletes and describes SMSIT’s Game Lab, outfitted with super-fast computers and ergonomic chairs.

Read the full article (note, the article is written in French).

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MusiCounts gives Humber student an inside look at the music industry

MusiCounts gives Humber student an inside look at the music industry

Mon, October 22, 2018

Fourth-year Bachelor of Music student Agneya Chikte put his own business skills to the test in September during week of networking and mentoring.

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A Q&A with alumna Anita Kushwaha, Author of Side by Side

A Q&A with alumna Anita Kushwaha, Author of Side by Side

School for Writers

Tue, October 16, 2018

While the proverb assures us that practice makes perfect, writing and publishing are never without challenges.

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Game Programming Students Demo New Game

Game Programming Students Demo New Game

Tue, October 16, 2018

On September 27th, The School of Media Studies hosted an event in the E Building concourse in partnership with Microsoft and Relic Raiders.

The event was a live demo for Relic Raiders, a new indie game made by local Toronto developers, which will be released in late October.

Microsoft provided high-end laptops for students to play the game on. After playing the game, students were invited to provide feedback to on-site representatives. The event was a huge success, with over 400 students from all Humber faculties coming to play the game.

The event was also a major networking opportunity for Game Programming students from all years, but especially our third-year students. These students had the chance to connect with an upcoming local developer and to interact with a professional-grade Beta about to go through its final polish, as well as the opportunity to provide feedback and thoughts on how to further improve the game's design.

Overall, Microsoft was overjoyed with how the event turned out and is extremely interested in doing more of these events on an even larger scale.

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Humber's Film and Television Production Program Student Wins Prestigious Cinematography Scholarship

Humber's Film and Television Production Program Student Wins Prestigious Cinematography Scholarship

Fri, September 28, 2018

Humber’s Film and Television Production, Advanced Diploma Program congratulates third-year student Michael Kashuba. 

Michael is the winner of the William F. White/Vilmos Zsigmond Cinematography Scholarship for 2018.

This prestigious award is given to a successful full-time post-secondary Canadian student who is currently enrolled in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year of studies at an accredited College or University Cinematography program.

Paul Bronfman, Whites Chairman and CEO, and Rick Perotto, VP of Business Development, presented Kashuba with the award at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) on Sept. 11, 2018 at a gathering of industry professionals.

“Never in my life (this early anyway) did I picture myself speaking in front of the people I read about in Canadian Cinematographer,” says Kashuba. “[These are people] whose work I watch on the big screen, and whose methods and dedication to cinema inspire me everyday.”

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A Q&A with Liz Harmer, 2018 Journey Prize Nominee and the Author of The Amateurs

A Q&A with Liz Harmer, 2018 Journey Prize Nominee and the Author of The Amateurs

School for Writers

Wed, September 26, 2018

If you didn’t already know her name from her essays and stories, you certainly know it now.

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Second Annual Writers-in-Exile Scholarship Announced

Second Annual Writers-in-Exile Scholarship Announced

School for Writers

Wed, September 26, 2018

Onder Deligoz is the recipient of the 2018 PEN Canada-Humber College Writers-in-Exile Scholarship.

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A Q&A with Lindsay Wong, Author of The Woo Woo: How I Survived Ice Hockey, Drug Raids, Demons, and My Crazy Chinese Family

A Q&A with Lindsay Wong, Author of The Woo Woo: How I Survived Ice Hockey, Drug Raids, Demons, and My Crazy Chinese Family

School for Writers

Tue, September 11, 2018

In 2015 Lindsay Wong joined Humber's Creative Writing - Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Poetry program, where she worked with author Jami Attenberg.

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Faculty and Students Accepted into AutomotiveUI 2018

Faculty and Students Accepted into AutomotiveUI 2018

Fri, August 24, 2018

Humber Faculty Dennis Kappen and George Paravantes have had their demo paper accepted into Automotive UI 2018.

The two professors had assistance from two media studies students, Dhanuska Premarantha, Chloe Chung, and SAT student Hilary Leehane. This annual conference - now in its 10th year - is the premier forum for UI research in the automotive domain. The conference brings together researchers and practitioners interested in both the technical and the human aspects of in-vehicle user interfaces and applications.

The paper proposes a demo for an augmented reality application for training emergency responders, which would use an AR projection on a pre-recorded emergency scenario. The team is currently seeking funding for the registration costs of the conference, as well as funds to build a prototype of the proposed design.

The conference will take place on September 23-25. Best of luck to the faculty and students!

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Advertising and Graphic Design Student Wins Award of Excellence

Advertising and Graphic Design Student Wins Award of Excellence

Fri, August 17, 2018

Simran Singh, an Advertising & Graphic Design student, is one of the finalists in the Annual Art Directors Club of Canada (ADCC) competition.

Simran won for her Mountain Dew ad, which she both illustrated and designed. The final award (Merit, Silver, or Gold) will be announced at ADCC's Directions 2018 Award show on November 8th in Toronto. The ADCC is a Canadian non-profit, non-political group dedicated to encouraging excellence in Canadian advertising and design.

Congratulations on this accomplishment, Simran, and best of luck in November!

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Spencer Litzinger

Spencer Litzinger

Thu, July 26, 2018

Spencer is a host on YTV’S The Zone and performs in various improv shows around Toronto.

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Humber Students Win 2018 Applied Arts Student Awards

Humber Students Win 2018 Applied Arts Student Awards

Tue, July 17, 2018

Congratulations to the six Humber School of Media Studies & Information Technology students on winning several Applied Arts Student Awards.

The winners include Dahin Rah, Advertising & Graphic Design, Dana Mevorach, Graphic Design, Jordan Jackson, Graphic Design, Austin Riswick, Film and Television Production, Geoff Baillie, Advertising Copywriting, and Ian Dunlop, Advertising Copywriting.

Applied Arts Magazine is Canada's premier magazine of visual communications, featuring the latest opinions, news and images from the creative advertising industry in Canada and abroad. Their annual Applied Arts Awards are the only competition in Canada that recognizes the talents of professionals across the visual communications sector.

The winners will have their work published in the Fall 2018 Student Awards annual, in the online Winners' Gallery and Awards Archive, as well as receive a complimentary copy of the Fall 2018 issue, an awards certificate, and more.

You can view Dahin's award-winning campaign for Rocky Mountain Bicycles below.

Congratulations to all the Student Award winners!

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Alino Giraldi

Alino Giraldi

Wed, June 20, 2018

"It's amazing to see how much story can be told just with breathing and your eyes."

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A Q&A with alumna Glynis Guevara, author of Under the Zaboca Tree and Black Beach

A Q&A with alumna Glynis Guevara, author of Under the Zaboca Tree and Black Beach

School for Writers

Tue, June 12, 2018

While many writers know their vocation from a very young age, others realize their calling later in life.

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Humber Radio Award Winers

Humber Radio Award Winers

Fri, May 18, 2018

We would like to congratulate Radio Humber graduating student Josette LaFleur for being this year’s recipient of the Rene Roth Memorial Scholarship. 

We would like to congratulate Radio Humber Diploma graduating student Josette LaFleur for being this year’s recipient of the Rene Roth Memorial Scholarship – an award given away to a student who demonstrates leadership, innovation, and creativity. Josette majored in News and would have been a favourite of the late Rene Roth- who taught sales and marketing in the Radio Humber Diploma program before losing her battle with cancer three years ago.

Also, congratulations to three Broadcast - Radio professors for winning multiple awards at the 2018 Crystals Awards held on Monday, May 7th.

Kyle Taylor, the Humber Radio Lab professor and Creative Director of Indie 88, picked up three awards for creative production excellence. Creative Production professor, Greg MacDonald of Bell Media, and his creative team won two Crystals Awards for creative excellence. And, finally, Writing for Radio professor, Larry MacInnis, also walked away with two Crystals Awards for creative writing excellence. All in all, it was a big, exciting night for RBD. It just goes to show that our students are being taught by the best in the business.

Congratulations to all on receiving these amazing honours!

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Humber Partners with Concordia's New Institute for Investigative Journalism

Humber Partners with Concordia's New Institute for Investigative Journalism

Tue, May 15, 2018

Concordia launched the Institute for Investigative Journalism, led by Patti Sonntag, a former editor in The New York Times’ News Services division.

Humber is among several other media and educational organizations partnered on this project, such as Global News, The Toronto Star, Ryerson University, and more.

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Advertising Grad Takes Lead on Award-Winning Campaign

Advertising Grad Takes Lead on Award-Winning Campaign

Tue, May 08, 2018

Valerie Mascarin, a Bachelor of Creative Advertising grad, and her team at Cossette won D&AD's Wood Pencil for their McDonald's campaign.


The creative and simple campaign utilizes the curves in the "M" to indicate to drivers which direction they need to go to get to the nearest McDonalds.

Watch this video of the campaign in action.

The campaign will appear in high traffic areas in downtown Toronto and the GTA, however, Cossette hopes to have the campaign implemented worldwide.

Congratulations to Valerie and her team at Cossette!

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Humber Journalism Wins Two BNC Awards

Humber Journalism Wins Two BNC Awards

Mon, May 07, 2018

On April 20th, 2018, Humber Journalism won two BNC Awards at the 2017 Ontario Community Newspaper Association convention. 

The BNC awards are organized by the OCNA and recognize the outstanding work of local Ontario newspapers. The student-run newspaper, Humber Et Cetera, won first prize in the General Excellence category against stiff competition in the Colleges/Universities division.

This is a tremendous honour for our third-year diploma students who write, edit and lay out the newspaper, as well as second-year students who work as reporters and supply most of the copy. Thanks to Salem Alaton for his many years of hard work helping the students produce an award-winning paper. Thanks as well to Rob Lamberti who worked magic last year to help second-year students transform their academic writing into quality newspaper copy. And a special shout out to Marlee Greig, creative advisor, and technical support. Humber Journalism also won second place in the Student News Writing category for investigative pieces that a team of third-year students wrote about the $400K rebranding of IGNITE.

Congratulations to Tyler Bloomfield (now full-time CBC contract), Brandon Austin (co-founder of a thriving social media management firm with major clients), Alana MacLeod (full-time Global News contract), Erian Amor De Los Reyes (full-time CBC contract) and Ken Kellar (moving to Winnipeg to pursue journalism there).

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RBD Success Stories

RBD Success Stories

Mon, May 07, 2018

 As the year comes to a close, our Radio and Broadcasting Diploma students, faculty and alumni show no intentions of slowing down.

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Radio Alumnus Wins RAP Award

Radio Alumnus Wins RAP Award

Mon, April 30, 2018

Kenan Habibovic, a 2016 graduate of the Broadcasting – Radio diploma have won a Radio and Production Award.

Kenan is the On-Air Announcer and Production Assistant for Island Radio in British Columbia and shares the award with his team there. They won in the category of Best Commercial- Small Markets for their ad, "Ship and Shore Restaurant - Like A Pirate."

Listen to the award-winning ad, wherein Kenan voices the pirate.

Congrats to Kenan and the team at Island Radio!

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One On One With Industry Leaders

One On One With Industry Leaders

Wed, April 25, 2018

Radio and TV broadcasting students had the opportunity to spend time with news directors and award-winning journalists. 

They did this at the Radio-TV-Digital News Association (RTDNA) Central Canada meeting on Saturday, April 25 at Humber College, North Campus. The format was like speed-dating  where students spent five minutes with a news director or journalist.

Along with the networking opportunity, students were able to bring along a sample of their TV or radio work on a phone or tablet for some instant feedback and coaching.

The events drew students from Humber College and other broadcasting programs in and around the GTA.

Industry leaders at the event included Paul Rogers, Senior Vice President of CTV, Mike Crawley, CBC reporter, Kym Geddes, News Director at Newstalk 1010 and City News reporter Amanda Ferguson.

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Television Writing and Producing Student Success: Nathalie Younglai

Television Writing and Producing Student Success: Nathalie Younglai

Wed, April 18, 2018

Nathalie Younglai graduated from Humber’s Television Writing and Producing program in 2006 and has since worked on numerous television shows.

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Humber Students Win the 2018 Designing Change Competition

Humber Students Win the 2018 Designing Change Competition

Mon, April 09, 2018

On March 24th, Humber students won the Designing Change 2018 competition, organized by Sustainable Humber and the World Wildlife Fund Canada.

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Journalism Instructors Receive Industry Recognition

Journalism Instructors Receive Industry Recognition

Fri, March 23, 2018

Congratulate to our journalism faculty Jayme Poisson and Richard Warnica on their recent achievements in the journalism field.

Jayme Poisson, an investigative reporter for the Toronto Star and a partial load faculty member, won the Hillman Prize for her work with David Bruser at the Toronto Star, reporting on Grassy Narrows.

Richard Warnica, who began teaching Features this semester, has been nominated for a National Newspaper Award for Best Long Feature. Check out Richard’s nominated profile of on Rebel Media’s founder, Ezra Levant.

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UX Design Students Present at UXInsight Conference in the Netherlands

UX Design Students Present at UXInsight Conference in the Netherlands

Thu, March 22, 2018

User Experience Design Students, Maureen Ariza Paredes and Jenna Mussar, attended the international UXInsight Conference in the Netherlands in March.

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Humber FMP and FMTV Grads Eligible for Telefilm's Talent to Watch Funding Program

Humber FMP and FMTV Grads Eligible for Telefilm's Talent to Watch Funding Program

Thu, March 15, 2018

Humber College is pleased to announce a new partnership with Telefilm’s Talent to Watch Program. 

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A Q&A with alumna Rebecca Higgins, author of The Colours of Birds

A Q&A with alumna Rebecca Higgins, author of The Colours of Birds

School for Writers

Mon, March 12, 2018

When the best-laid plans go awry, they sometimes do so with serendipitous results. 

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Q&A with Joyce Grant about U Gloucestershire MA

Q&A with Joyce Grant about U Gloucestershire MA

School for Writers

Tue, February 27, 2018

Author Joyce Grant was so pleased with her experience at the Humber School for Writers.

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Student Success: Devon Jackson

Student Success: Devon Jackson

Mon, February 05, 2018

Devon Jackson is crafting an impressive resume: he's made a mark in the worlds of literature, theatre, music, and art.

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Yvonne Wallace: Writing with Honesty

Yvonne Wallace: Writing with Honesty

Mon, November 13, 2017

Some subjects are so traumatic or personal that it is difficult to address them through art.

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Francois Klark

Francois Klark

Thu, November 09, 2017

2008 Humber Music graduate Francois Klark, who found a community of like-minded musicians at the College.

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Peter N. Bailey: Dedication and Diversion

Peter N. Bailey: Dedication and Diversion

Thu, November 09, 2017

Forging a successful career in theatre requires a high level of commitment to craft, but that doesn’t mean the work can’t be a joy.

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Carlos Felipe Martinez

Carlos Felipe Martinez

Wed, November 01, 2017

"I can say that our faculty’s strong emphasis on being professional and being prepared for the shoot has proven to be fundamental."

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Carolyn Boll, Author of Social Dance: A Book of Ballroom Poetry

Carolyn Boll, Author of Social Dance: A Book of Ballroom Poetry

School for Writers

Wed, November 01, 2017

A good creative mentor is one whose wisdom and guidance carries you forward as you hone your craft and build your career.

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Nathan Whitney

Nathan Whitney

Tue, October 24, 2017

Nathan Whitney loved his time studying music at Humber so much that he graduated twice.

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An Interview with Music Grad Emily Rockarts

An Interview with Music Grad Emily Rockarts

Thu, October 19, 2017

Emily Rockarts, a Toronto musician and Bachelor of Music grad, wasted no time starting her singer/songwriter career after graduation.

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Winnie Nwakobi

Winnie Nwakobi

Tue, October 17, 2017

Arts administration means different things to different arts managers.

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Photography Grad Provides Cover for Snowboard Canada Magazine

Photography Grad Provides Cover for Snowboard Canada Magazine

Mon, October 16, 2017

Please join us in congratulating Chris Fitzsimmons on his current publication on the cover of Snowboard Canada Magazine!


Chris is a recent graduate of the Photography program and has been working part-time with the School of Media Studies for the past 2 years. Outside of Humber, Chris continues to work on career development and honing his craft behind the camera. A natural result to his outstanding efforts, Chris’ hard work has been deservedly rewarded.

Snowboard Canada Magazine has been Canada’s premier national snowboard magazine for more than two decades, and has outsold all other snowboard magazines since their launch in 1992.

Chris will also be featuring a collection of his work at his first solo art exhibit “Busy Boarding”, this Saturday, October 13, 2018, and Moguls in Mocean in Orangeville, from 5:30 to 8:30pm. All are welcome to attend.

We are fortunate to have someone like Chris on our team, and we wish him even more success in the future!

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Michelle McLeod

Michelle McLeod

Wed, October 04, 2017

"Humber Acting for Film and Television provides a great tool kit to those who are passionate about acting."

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Inaugural PEN Canada-Humber College Writers-in-Exile Scholarship Awarded to Ava Homa

Inaugural PEN Canada-Humber College Writers-in-Exile Scholarship Awarded to Ava Homa

School for Writers

Tue, September 19, 2017

Echoes from the Other Land Author to work with David Bezmozgis on new manuscript.

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Success Story: Dan McKinnon

Success Story: Dan McKinnon

Tue, September 12, 2017

Like many arts managers, Dan McKinnon juggles a busy creative practice with an even busier day job helping fellow artists.

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Jordanne Brown Honoured with 2017 Tim Sims Encouragement Award

Jordanne Brown Honoured with 2017 Tim Sims Encouragement Award

Thu, September 07, 2017

The 2017 graduate and past recipient of the Eugene Levy Award for Comedy Writing was named the winner of the 2017 Tim Sims Encouragement Award.

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Ashley Shields-Muir

Ashley Shields-Muir

Thu, September 07, 2017

Ashley Shields-Muir graduated from Humber’s Television Writing and Producing program in 2008.

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Carlos Albornoz: On Stage and Screen

Carlos Albornoz: On Stage and Screen

Thu, September 07, 2017

Carlos Albornoz shows, good acting training is transferable – especially when it’s supported by lots of talent and hard work!

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Sara La Selva

Sara La Selva

Mon, August 21, 2017

"Community is unbelievably important to me both in my artistic practice and my experience as a person in the world." 

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Colin Bruce Anthes: In It Together

Colin Bruce Anthes: In It Together

Fri, August 11, 2017

Colin Bruce Anthes’ path from Humber has led him to theatre and film work and multiple cities.

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Joe Bowden: Master of Reinvention

Joe Bowden: Master of Reinvention

Thu, August 10, 2017

Humber’s own Joe Bowden—program assistant to Acting for Film and Television, Theatre Arts – Performance and Theatre Arts – Production programs.

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Humber Students Collaborate with Legalswipe to Redesign Mobile App

Humber Students Collaborate with Legalswipe to Redesign Mobile App

Thu, July 27, 2017

Students from Professor Robert Blain's second-year Web Design and Interactive Media class were asked to redesign Legalswipe's innovative app.

The app aimed to provide users with quick, accurate knowledge on their legal rights when confronted by a police officer. However, after the apps initial launch in 2015, Legalswipe soon discovered there were several usability growing pains. Users could not reliably navigate the app in the heat of the moment, and as such, were not fully enticed to use the app.

Legalswipe reached out to Humber for help, and that's where Robert Blair and his students entered the picture. The students took on this Applied Research project and used Humber's state-of-the-art Usablity Lab to redesign the Legalswipe app to be more dynamic and aesthetically appealing. In the end, the students exceeded Legalswipe Co-Founder Christien Levien's expectations. He remarked that the students succeed in making the app more fun and intuitive to use.

The opportunity proved to be an excellent real-world learning experience for the students and a great piece to add to their portfolio. Congrats to the second-year Web Design and Interactive Media students for their hard work and their contributions to making this important app a success.

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An Interview with Rising Star Larnell Lewis

An Interview with Rising Star Larnell Lewis

Thu, July 27, 2017

Larnell Lewis, a Humber Music alumnus, instructor and world-renowned musician, talked to us about his amazing year.

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Student Success: Laura McCallum

Student Success: Laura McCallum

Mon, July 17, 2017

"When I declared in my third year of theatre school that I didn’t want to be an actor anymore, no one was surprised."

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Sina Gilani: Creation and Collaboration

Sina Gilani: Creation and Collaboration

Mon, July 17, 2017

Since graduating in 2012, Sina Gilani has been making a name for himself as both an actor and a playwright.

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Advertising Grad Wins Applied Arts Student Award

Advertising Grad Wins Applied Arts Student Award

Thu, July 13, 2017

Laura Cordova a recent graduate of the Advertising & Graphic Design program, won an Applied Arts Student Award for her collection of Moleskin ads. 

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Radio Broadcast Students Win at 2017 BEAC National Student Awards

Radio Broadcast Students Win at 2017 BEAC National Student Awards

Wed, May 17, 2017

Michael Downey and his student collaborators won best newscast in the category of Audio Radio Newscast at the 2017 BEAC Student Awards. 

Michael Downey, a student at Humber’s Radio Broadcast Diploma program, and his student collaborators have won best newscast in the category of Audio Radio Newscast at the 2017 Broadcast Educators Association of Canada National Student Awards.

The award-winning entry was a regularly scheduled newscast on 96.9 Radio Humber in which journalism students Anna O’Brien, Tyler Bloomfield, Alanna Fairey and Brandon Choghri travelled to Washington, DC to report on the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump. In Toronto, Radio Humber’s Pasquale Pettinicchio and Michael Downey alternated between broadcasting from the anchor desk and corresponding with the reporters in Washington.

The award will be presented to Michael and his collaborators on Friday, May 26th at the National Students Awards Gala at the Sheraton Centre Hotel in Toronto. At the gala, a clip from the award-winning newscast will be showcased for those in attendance. The newscast is also eligible for the President’s Awards (Best Audio/Video), which will be announced and presented at the gala. The annual BEAC National Awards is a program that recognizes and rewards creative and technical ingenuity and excellence in students attending a radio, television/video or new media/animation program.

Congratulations to all students and faculty involved in this amazing achievement!

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Humber Students Receive 2017 Emerge Media Award

Humber Students Receive 2017 Emerge Media Award

Mon, April 24, 2017

Broadcasting - Radio postgraduate student, Clare Bonnyman won first place for “The Story of Studio 212” in Audio Storytelling at the Emerge Awards.

Broadcasting - Radio diploma students Sean Towgood, Tevin Guthrie and Chris Wheeler placed second for their work on “Stigma” in the same category.

The Emerge Media Awards celebrate and showcase the achievements of the best writing, editing, videography, audio, graphic design, communications and public relations work at the postsecondary level.

Selected by an independent panel of judges from 313 submissions, eight winning individuals/teams represented various postsecondary institutions across the country.

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Radio Humber Professor Collects 3 Crystal Awards

Radio Humber Professor Collects 3 Crystal Awards

Wed, April 19, 2017

Radio Humber Diploma’s ‘Writing for Radio’ Professor Larry MacInnis won 3 coveted Crystal Awards. 

He won for best radio commercial, station promotion and public service announcement. Congratulations, Larry!

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Student Success: Samyuktha Sharath Punthambekar

Student Success: Samyuktha Sharath Punthambekar

Mon, April 10, 2017

Arts Administration and Cultural Management graduates are in demand. Just ask Samyuktha Sharath Punthambekar.

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Winterstations 2017

Winterstations 2017

Mon, March 27, 2017

The third annual Winterstations Design Competition sees the Kew, Balmy, and Scarboro beaches transformed into interactive art installations.

Of the eight winning entries, Humber college students in Art Foundation, Visual and Digital Arts, Interior Design, and Industrial Design proposed and constructed a winning entry that will be unveiled on Family Day, February 20th.

Explorers are challenged with what is and what can be through a visual distortion of reality in The illusory. Constructed of highly reflective linear panels, the circumambulatory experience pulls the explorer into the centre for a moment of introspection and to experience an ever-changing illusion of reality. From afar, the structure is incognito, reflecting the surrounding environment and fading into it. Entering the space, the explorer views misconstrued, mirroring illustrations of themselves and their surroundings.

The inspiration for the Illusory came from the relationship shared between humans and the environment. The site itself inspired the shape of the piece, where from afar the complete form curves and angles with the sloping beach while its reflectivity causes it to disappear into the sky. The installation is meant to provoke curiosity. After approaching the piece and entering into a circular space, participants view fragmented versions of themselves and the environment. The Illusory is an introspective experience, depicting humans themselves as the catalyst for change in the present environment. 

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Humber Students Win Grip Juicer Competition

Humber Students Win Grip Juicer Competition

Wed, March 22, 2017

Congratulations to the 2017 Grip Juicer winning team, Channel Six, Humber College.

Eight schools participated in the the first annual Advertising Industry competition to secure  a coveted spot in the Orange Juicer Apprenticeship Program at the The Grip Agency.

Each school was given 6 weeks to prepare a campaign book and presentation for Honda Civic. Six teams made it through to the final round of presentations including 3 Humber teams, 2 Seneca teams and 1 OCAD team.

Channel Six left a memorable impression on the judges with strong creative presentation skills, as well as the conviction and passion they had for their idea.

The winning team included:

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Humber Students Talk their Way to a Trophy

Humber Students Talk their Way to a Trophy

Wed, March 15, 2017

Two SMSIT students competed on March 8th in Voices 2017, an annual speech competition run by PR students for PR students in the GTA. 

This year’s theme was “the world in reverse”. Darnell Jones, a second-year Advertising and Marketing Communications student at Humber placed second at the event winning a $300 Apple gift certificate and Justin Hartman, a first-year Public Relations Advanced Diploma student placed third winning a $200 Apple gift certificate. Jones spoke about “A World We Share” and Hartman spoke on “Vigilance is the Price of Liberty”.

This year, eleven students competed with Edwin Addai Sarfo of Georgian College placing first. Humber Broadcast Radio Program Coordinator Sheila Walsh was the emcee for the event.

“I’m very proud of Darnell and Justin.  They did an outstanding job and demonstrated the excellence that Humber students apply to their studies,” says Jennifer Leonard, Humber presentations skills professor.

Voices 2017 is an annual forum for the best and brightest public relations, corporate communications, marketing and advertising students in the Greater Toronto Area to come together and showcase their creativity and public speaking talents. Seneca corporate communications/PR students select the theme each year. Mimi Tsui, professor at Seneca College was the faculty lead for the event. Tsui is a graduate of Humber’s PR post-grad program.

Humber students have won trophies in each of the three years it has competed.

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"None of the Above" Airs on TVO

"None of the Above" Airs on TVO

Mon, February 27, 2017

As part of a Short Doc Contest, TVO aired Humber's FMTV's "None of the Above" on February 26th, 2017.

None of the Above is a second-year documentary by Film & Television Production students, Tassja Graf (Director) and Madeline Ciuffreda (Producer). It is a story about Elliot, a young student living in Toronto who identifies as agender.

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"Land of Nod" Wins Runner-Up

"Land of Nod" Wins Runner-Up

Sat, January 14, 2017

FMTV thesis film "Land of Nod" won runner-up in Best Live Action category in Canada's Top Ten Student Shorts Programme on January 14, 2017.

The Land of Nod is the coming of age story of the sixteen-year-old Nicholas, a son of a local serial killer. Tormented by his classmates and uncared for by his alcoholic mother, Nicholas is on a quest to find out if he is anything like his father. His only ally is Enna, a fifteen-year-old girl who is obsessed with finding the body of one of the victims, her sister. Unsure of himself and who he might end up to be if he lets anger reign, Nicholas must look past guilt and others’ perceptions in order to move on. The Land of Nod is a dark coming of age story that explores the loss of innocence, the truth of nature and nurture, and the victims of murder that are not talked about: their families.

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Andrew Kelly

Andrew Kelly

Fri, January 06, 2017

Andrew Kelly graduated from Humber's Television Writing & Producing program in 2010.

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TIFF Top 10

TIFF Top 10

Tue, January 03, 2017

Humber College Film & Television Production Advanced Diploma Program's "The Land of Nod" (2016) makes TIFF Top Ten.


The film will screen as part of the 16th Annual Canada's Top Ten Film Festival in January 2017.

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Humber Grad Creates Ahlan (Welcome) Bear For Syrian Newcomer Children

Humber Grad Creates Ahlan (Welcome) Bear For Syrian Newcomer Children

Wed, December 21, 2016

With Simon Au, Web Design and Interactive Media grad, Dustin Gamble, created a talking stuffed animal to welcome Syrian newcomer children to Canada.

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Carol Leifer Visits Humber Comedy

Carol Leifer Visits Humber Comedy

Fri, November 18, 2016

Student Success: Jessie Rivést

Student Success: Jessie Rivést

Mon, November 14, 2016

Jessie Rivést graduated in 2016 and has recently started as a manager as Musicworks Magazine.

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Deepam Wadds on Winning Writing Prizes

Deepam Wadds on Winning Writing Prizes

School for Writers

Mon, November 07, 2016

Humber School for Writers grad Deepam Wadds recently won The Writers' Union of Canada's 23rd annual Short Prose Competition.

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"Humber Vote 2015" Named Best Audio Podcast or Current Affairs Show

"Humber Vote 2015" Named Best Audio Podcast or Current Affairs Show

Tue, October 18, 2016

This is the second year in a row that our students have won the BEAC award for a two-hour live election special show on Radio Humber.

Dozens of students from several distinct programs including Broadcasting Radio - Diploma, Broadcasting Radio - Graduate Certificate and Journalism - Print and Broadcast, were directly involved in reporting or producing content for the show.

The program originated in the control room at 96.9 Radio Humber, with a support team in the broadcast newsroom and studios, and reporters on location across Humber, throughout local ridings, throughout Toronto, across the Greater Toronto area, and beyond. We had a Radio News student reporting from Ottawa, and a Journalism student at the Justin Trudeau's headquarters. The energy in the broadcast centre on election night was fantastic!

The broadcast was a huge undertaking for any professional broadcast news operation; embraced and executed with enthusiasm by Humber students who chose to get involved and cooperate with students from other programs.

The award winning team included the entire classes of all programs involved in the final credit, as well as: 
Nick Westoll - Journalism Print & Broadcast: Producer, Co-host
Adam Haga - Broadcasting - Radio: Producer 2 (organization, and reporting live from Ottawa) 
Kenan Habibovich - Broadcasting - Radio: Producer 3 (technical production, live operating)

The award will be presented May 27th at the BEAC national conference in Halifax; streamed over

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Sid Sawant

Sid Sawant

Wed, August 24, 2016

"When you come to the conclusion that the only thing you can do is make movies, buckle up, because it’s one heck of a ride."

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Chris Robinson

Chris Robinson

Sat, August 06, 2016

Chris Robinson was runner-up at the 2016 Homegrown competition at Just for Laughs.

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Breath of Life - A Student Documentary

Breath of Life - A Student Documentary

Mon, August 01, 2016

Helene Campbell was an average teenager when she discovered she had a life-threatening illness.

In Breath of Life she recounts her struggle to survive, the arduous task of waiting for treatment and how she has accepted her new-found role as a champion of organ donation awareness. 

Breath of Life is a second-year documentary from Film & Television Production students Fiona Cleary (Director) and Justin MacDonald (Producer). The film was available on all of Air Canada's in-flight entertainment systems, as part of this year's EnRoute Film Festival. The film was in competition, along with 12 other films, and won Air Canada enRoute Film Festival People’s Choice award.

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Anthony Q. Farrell

Anthony Q. Farrell

Wed, July 06, 2016

Anthony is the creator/executive producer/head writer of BBC's Secret Life of Boys.

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Sarah Larsen

Sarah Larsen

Wed, July 06, 2016

Sarah Larsen graduated from Humber's Television Writing & Producing program in 2012.

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Cathie Borrie: Getting a Book Deal When No One Wants to Publish Your Book

Cathie Borrie: Getting a Book Deal When No One Wants to Publish Your Book

School for Writers

Mon, June 20, 2016

Humber School for Writers grad Cathie Borrie wrote The Long Hello in 2008, just as the economy crashed.

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Michael Orlando: Hustle, Don't Wait

Michael Orlando: Hustle, Don't Wait

Mon, June 13, 2016

Michael Orlando graduated in 2007 and now runs Theatre Lab.

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Amanda Nicholls: Unknown Territory

Amanda Nicholls: Unknown Territory

Tue, June 07, 2016

Amanda graduated in 2008 and is excited to have received a grant to continue work on her play, Unknown Territory.

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Anne Bishop: Breaking Out At 65

Anne Bishop: Breaking Out At 65

School for Writers

Fri, June 03, 2016

Humber School for Writers grad Anne Bishop recently won the top prize for an unfinished manuscript in the Atlantic Writing Competition.

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Lovell Adams-Gray

Lovell Adams-Gray

Tue, May 24, 2016

"Nothing is more valuable than good training and your network of people."

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Michael Luckett: Foundations

Michael Luckett: Foundations

Mon, May 23, 2016

Michael is known for his work in Bitten, The Basement, and The Intruders.

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People's Choice Award Winners!

People's Choice Award Winners!

Mon, May 02, 2016

Justin MacDonald and Fiona Cleary couldn't be more deserving of the People's Choice Award. 

They both worked tirelessly during the campaign promoting the competition and entry, which paid off! Breath of Life was a highlight in a stellar program of films programmed by the folks at Spafax for the Air Canada enRoute Film Festival.

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Shari Lapena: Sixteen Years to Overnight Success

Shari Lapena: Sixteen Years to Overnight Success

School for Writers

Tue, April 26, 2016

Humber grad Shari Lapena's latest novel and first thriller, The Couple Next Door, is due out this summer.

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Student Success: Meghan Hunter-Gauthier

Student Success: Meghan Hunter-Gauthier

Mon, April 25, 2016

Meghan Hunter-Gauthier graduated in 2015 and has recently moved to Prince George, B.C. to become the Acting Assistant Curator at Two Rivers Gallery.

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Student Competitions: Award-Winning Creativity

Student Competitions: Award-Winning Creativity

Mon, April 18, 2016

Humber Creative Photography Students Shine at the Professional Photographers of Canada National Salon.

The 2016 Professional Photographers of Canada National Salon was held in Calgary on April 18, 2016. Humber Creative Photography students won three of four awards available to students.

Humber Creative Photography students entered the salon in three image categories: Commercial, Portrait, and General. During the competition, the students' images were mixed in with those of professional photographers and judged by a panel of nine Master Photographers. The jury was unaware of the status of the image-makers in the initial judging phase and after the first round of judging, the student images that were accepted were separated from the professional pictures and re-judged to find the best photographs in the Commercial, Portrait, and General student categories.

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Radio-TV-Digital News Association (RTDNA) Central Canada Meeting

Radio-TV-Digital News Association (RTDNA) Central Canada Meeting

Tue, April 12, 2016

For the 4th year in a row, the Radio-TV-Digital News Association (RTDNA) held its Central Canada meeting and awards luncheon at Humber.

The annual event attracts industry leaders from radio and television - and sees the return of many of our alumni who are currently active and very successful in the news media industry. The most exciting part of the day is the opportunity for current students to interact and network with news directors, reporters and award winners in the breakout session following the luncheon.

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Bahareh Yaraghi

Bahareh Yaraghi

Tue, April 05, 2016

Bahareh Yaraghi heads to Stratford for the 2016 season.

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Evan Marsh

Evan Marsh

Mon, April 04, 2016

"The AFTV program was so full of different teaching techniques that I couldn't possibly list all the ways it prepared me for this industry."

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Alex Bird

Alex Bird

Thu, March 31, 2016

"I’ll always be indebted to the faculty and to John Bourgeois... when someone believes in you, it means the world. You never forget that."

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Humber Students Get Vocal

Humber Students Get Vocal

Wed, March 30, 2016

Three SMSIT students competed on March 30th in Voices 2016, an annual speech competition run by students for students in the GTA.

This year’s theme was “wise words." Malick Ba, a second-year advertising and marketing communications student placed second at the event and Cleo Clatney, a first-year public relations advanced diploma student at placed third. Donte Spence, also a first-year public relations advanced diploma student was part of the team representing Humber. This is the second year Humber participated in the public speaking contest.

“I’m so proud of Malick,” said Anna Santilli-Finn, ADMC program co-ordinator. “He’s added to the program’s reputation by competing and placing second in this competition. I think it speaks well of Malick’s strong skill set and the skills we teach in our program."

“Congratulations to Cleo on placing third,” said Lisa McLachlan, PR advanced diploma co-ordinator.“It’s encouraging to see our first-year students doing so well against postgrad public relations students across the GTA."

Mimi Tsui, professor at Seneca College was the faculty lead for the event. Mimi is a graduate of Humber’s PR post-grad program.

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Matthew Gouveia: From Clown to Chekhov

Matthew Gouveia: From Clown to Chekhov

Mon, March 28, 2016

Matthew Gouveia can be seen from April 5 - 24 in Coal Mine Theatre's Killer Joe.

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Advertising Students' Campaign a Success With Toronto Police

Advertising Students' Campaign a Success With Toronto Police

Tue, March 22, 2016

Humber Creative Advertising students recently had the honour of working with the Toronto Police and the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police. 

The students worked on an important campaign to help bring attention to the dangers of Fentanyl. The focus of the campaign is a website, which profiles "Tina Espey, 19, Cole Lockie, 21, Tyler Campbell, 17, Jake Bodie, 17, and Jessie Kolb, 24, as well as resources and information about overdoses and fentanyl." Toronto Police Chief, Mark Saunders told the Toronto Star, "the campaign is “just a starting point for this very issue . . . we can’t just arrest our way through this thing.”

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Farid Yazdani

Farid Yazdani

Mon, March 21, 2016

"I’m proud of booking a role that would normally be cast as a Caucasian. Major props to Suits for being inclusive."

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Study with the Pros at Humber's Summer Jazz Workshop

Study with the Pros at Humber's Summer Jazz Workshop

Tue, March 15, 2016

Open to high school and post-secondary students, first round application/Scholarship Deadline March 15th, 2016.

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Scott Adsit and Danny Robinson visit Humber Comedy

Scott Adsit and Danny Robinson visit Humber Comedy

Tue, March 15, 2016

OAB (Ontario Association of Broadcasters) Career Day

OAB (Ontario Association of Broadcasters) Career Day

Mon, March 07, 2016

On Monday, March 7, 2016, the Ontario Association of Broadcasters (OAB) held their annual career day in Toronto.

OAB career day is a great opportunity for all second-year Broadcasting-Radio and Radio postgraduate program students to join in on a roundtable discussion with industry and other radio students from across Ontario. The Humber School of Media Studies was thrilled to be a sponsor at the event, which was chaired by instructor Neil Mathur.

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Faculty Member Cliff Caines Creates New Video

Faculty Member Cliff Caines Creates New Video

Mon, March 07, 2016

Visual Storytelling faculty member Cliff Caines recently created a new film on 2016 Governor General's Award winner Suzy Lake.

His work is a stunning, four-minute look at the career of this celebrated Canadian (Detroit-born) artist. Congratulations Cliff on your amazing work! What a great feature.

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Grace Thompson: Devising Life

Grace Thompson: Devising Life

Fri, March 04, 2016

Grace Thompson hasn't yet graduated, but she hasn't let that stop her from creating her own work.

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Michael Kras: Always Be Curious

Michael Kras: Always Be Curious

Sun, February 28, 2016

Michael Kras graduated in 2015 and is already developing exciting new theatre.

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Kurtis Conner

Kurtis Conner

Mon, February 22, 2016

Kurtis Conner graduated in 2015 and has already made a name for himself on Vine.

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Sean Robertson-Palmer: Questioning Status Quo

Sean Robertson-Palmer: Questioning Status Quo

Mon, February 22, 2016

Sean Robertson Palmer graduated Humber in 2005 and returned 10 years later as an instructor.

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Ceileigh Mangalam

Ceileigh Mangalam

Fri, February 19, 2016

Ceileigh Mangalam is the Editorial Intern for Simon & Schuster Canada and couldn't be more excited about the work she's doing there!

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Lawyer/ Writer…Writer/Lawyer

Lawyer/ Writer…Writer/Lawyer

School for Writers

Thu, February 18, 2016

In early 2011, after my first novel, “Old City Hall,” was published, I was fortunate to move my criminal law office into Eddie Greenspan’s building.

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Dan Watson: Personal & Professional

Dan Watson: Personal & Professional

Wed, February 17, 2016

When Dan Watson graduated from Humber in 2002, he already knew that the program had changed his life, personally and professionally.

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Mina Walking Receives "Discovery Award" at Canadian Screen Awards

Mina Walking Receives "Discovery Award" at Canadian Screen Awards

Tue, February 09, 2016

FMP grad, Andrew Korogyi and FMTV grad, Yosef Baraki, have been honoured again for their film, Mina Walking.

The film has been awarded the first-ever 'Discovery Award' at the Canadian Screen Awards!

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Jordyn Martinez

Jordyn Martinez

Fri, January 22, 2016

Jordyn Martinez graduated from Humber's Creative Book Publishing Program (CBPP) in 2015.

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Bachelor of Journalism Program Coordinator Published

Bachelor of Journalism Program Coordinator Published

Wed, January 20, 2016

Dan Rowe, Program Coordinator of the Bachelor of Journalism program has written a brand new textbook. 

Feature Writing for Journalism and Media Students was published by Oxford University Press and is currently available on Amazon. 

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Humber Comedy grad poised for television success

Humber Comedy grad poised for television success

Tue, January 05, 2016

Dr. Kira Payne Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Kira Payne Memorial Scholarship

Fri, January 01, 2016

A memorial scholarship has been set up in honour of the late Dr. Kira Payne.

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Alessandra Vite on Second City's Mainstage

Alessandra Vite on Second City's Mainstage

Thu, December 17, 2015

Alessandra Vite can be seen throughout the month of December in the Second City Christmas show Unwrapped.

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Schedule for 2015 Performance Week Released

Schedule for 2015 Performance Week Released

Tue, December 01, 2015

Final exams mean more than papers and written exams in Humber's music department.

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Singing in Diaspora Screening

Singing in Diaspora Screening

Mon, November 09, 2015

Congrats to Film and Media Production student Sabchu Rinpoché on the screening of his film Singing in Diaspora at the Ottawa Tibet Film Festival!

The Ottawa Tibet Film Festival is an emerging festival, with a strong lineup of films. Singing in Diaspora will be screened as part of the festival on March 20, 2016, at the Mayfield Theatre.

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Humber Has a Gospel Choir??

Humber Has a Gospel Choir??

Sun, November 01, 2015

Yes, Humber has a gospel choir and, with over 40 members this year, it's the largest Humber ensemble in the history of the music program.

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Schedule for Performance Week Released

Schedule for Performance Week Released

Sun, November 01, 2015

Final exams mean more than papers and written exams in Humber's music department.

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Grads Create iBook for Hennessy

Grads Create iBook for Hennessy

Mon, October 19, 2015

Congratulations to Advertising Account Management grads Tony and Matt and Multimedia Design and Development grads Andrew Langemann and Kenny St.Jean. 

These for alumni launched their work for Angle Media Group on the brand new Hennessy book - Shaken and Stirred: Hennessy Crafted Cocktails and Mixed Drinks as part of Angle Media Group! 

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Grads Work on Large New Endeavour for Canadian Tire

Grads Work on Large New Endeavour for Canadian Tire

Tue, October 13, 2015

Congratulations to Multimedia Design and Development grads Andrew Langemann and Wale Sholubi on their work on a new endeavour from Canadian Tire. 

As part of Angle Media Group, Andrew and Wale worked on the launch of Canadian Tire's new campaign " How To Videos' with the tag line " Don't Worry... You got this!" Wale worked on the pre-production and Andrew edited all the videos in English and in French. Congratulations on the great work!

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Student Success: Vivia Kay

Student Success: Vivia Kay

Thu, October 08, 2015

Vivia says her love of the arts goes back to her childhood.

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Student Success: Rachel Gauntlett

Student Success: Rachel Gauntlett

Thu, September 17, 2015

Rachel Gauntlett graduated from Humber and is already working as the Operations Manager for Canada's only full-sized contemporary orchestra.

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Comedy Grads Voted Funniest Stand-Up Comedians in Canada

Comedy Grads Voted Funniest Stand-Up Comedians in Canada

Mon, September 14, 2015

Brittany Johnson

Brittany Johnson

Wed, July 22, 2015

"Nothing is more valuable than good training and your network of people."

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Reign - Humber College's First Feature Film

Reign - Humber College's First Feature Film

Thu, July 02, 2015

Reign is an example of what can happen when exceptional student talent is combined with experienced and professional teaching.

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Inaugural Listening Party a Resounding Success

Inaugural Listening Party a Resounding Success

Tue, April 28, 2015

The first-ever Listening Party was a great success, with students, faculty, and many industry insiders all listening to amazing student recordings!

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Elizabeth Hilborn

Elizabeth Hilborn

Tue, February 24, 2015

How many people can say they’ve met Margaret Atwood, Chris Hadfield, Jason Priestly, and Elaine Lui in person?

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Rebecca Addelman

Rebecca Addelman

Wed, February 11, 2015

Rebecca Addelman graduated from Humber’s Comedy Writing & Performance program in 2005.

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Humber Faculty Release New CD of Timeless Classics

Humber Faculty Release New CD of Timeless Classics

Sat, January 17, 2015

"Timeless Classics Volume One: Straight Up Groovin’" is a great introduction to the wealth of talented musicians associated with Humber College.

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Phoning It In Competes in CBC's ComedyCoup

Phoning It In Competes in CBC's ComedyCoup

Fri, January 09, 2015

Toronto After Dark Competes in CBC's ComedyCoup

Toronto After Dark Competes in CBC's ComedyCoup

Fri, January 09, 2015

Five Canadian Comedy Awards Go To Four Humber Grads

Five Canadian Comedy Awards Go To Four Humber Grads

Fri, January 09, 2015

Humber grad wins Tim Sims Encouragement Award

Humber grad wins Tim Sims Encouragement Award

Thu, January 08, 2015

Print Humour Workshop in NYC is a success

Print Humour Workshop in NYC is a success

Thu, January 08, 2015

Bike Cops Competes in CBC's ComedyCoup

Bike Cops Competes in CBC's ComedyCoup

Thu, January 08, 2015

Kelly McEvenue: Walking the Walk

Kelly McEvenue: Walking the Walk

Thu, January 08, 2015

If you’ve ever wanted to walk the walk of somebody other than yourself, Humber faculty member Kelly McEvenue is the person to help you.

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Student Success: Nina Lee

Student Success: Nina Lee

Wed, January 07, 2015

"Hi, my name is Nina Lee, and I’m a freelance Arts Administrator."

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Tyler Morrison

Tyler Morrison

Mon, January 05, 2015

Tyler Morrison is an award winning Canadian comedian and writer quickly emerging as one of the most talked about young headliners in the country.

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"Jazz in the Schools" program reaches over 10,000 students

"Jazz in the Schools" program reaches over 10,000 students

Thu, January 01, 2015

Humber's annual "Jazz in the Schools" program was a great success in 2015.

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Humber Well-Represented in 2015 JUNO Nominations

Humber Well-Represented in 2015 JUNO Nominations

Thu, January 01, 2015

Nominations for the 2015 Juno Awards were announced this week.

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Happily Busy, Al Kay, Head of Brass Department

Happily Busy, Al Kay, Head of Brass Department

Thu, January 01, 2015

Just about every gig that I have done over the last 38 years of my career has had some sort of a Humber connection.

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Faculty Updates and Successes

Faculty Updates and Successes

Thu, January 01, 2015

It is always inspiring to hear what our talented faculty are up to when they are not in the classroom molding musical minds.

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Tiffany Davidson

Tiffany Davidson

Mon, November 17, 2014

“I didn’t even apply for the audition – honestly, I didn’t even know they were looking for that role!”

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Dienye Waboso

Dienye Waboso

Mon, November 17, 2014

My time at Humber College is one the best of my life! I attribute my success so far directly to the time I spent there.

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Alisha Stranges

Alisha Stranges

Mon, November 03, 2014

"The Theatre Performance program at Humber allowed me to hone my practical actor skills and develop a solid foundation in performance."

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Nina Gilmour: It Runs In The Family

Nina Gilmour: It Runs In The Family

Mon, November 03, 2014

Many people would rather do just about anything than work with their parents. But not alumna Nina Gilmour.

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Cara Ricketts

Cara Ricketts

Mon, November 03, 2014

"The Humber Theatre Performance program made life outside of school very accessible."

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Giacomo Gianniotti: "It never feels like work"

Giacomo Gianniotti: "It never feels like work"

Fri, October 31, 2014

Giacomo Gianniotti graduated from Humber’s Theatre Performance program in 2012.

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Josh Saltzman

Josh Saltzman

Thu, October 30, 2014

In 2003, Josh Saltzman entered  Humber’s comedy program planning to do improv, but he emerged  a comedy writer.

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Adam Cawley

Adam Cawley

Thu, October 30, 2014

Humber helped introduce me to a variety of performance opportunities in the comedy world as well as to it’s history.

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Levi MacDougall

Levi MacDougall

Thu, October 30, 2014

Levi MacDougall has been called “one of Canada’s finest young comics” by Time Out New York.

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Carolyn McNeillie

Carolyn McNeillie

Wed, October 29, 2014

Carolyn McNeillie studied painting in university.

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Sarah Smith-Eviemark

Sarah Smith-Eviemark

Wed, October 29, 2014

The Creative Book Publishing program was fundamentally important to building my publishing career.

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Success Story: Charlotte Hegele

Success Story: Charlotte Hegele

Mon, August 25, 2014

"There is a good reason Humber's AFTV program attracts the highest quality instructors."

"I would not have the career I do if it wasn't for the training I received from the unbelievably talented and dedicated faculty. Humber attracts the best because it is the best."

Follow Charlotte on Twitter @CharlotteHegele and read more about her on IMDb.

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Success Story: Dwain Murphy

Success Story: Dwain Murphy

Mon, August 25, 2014

"The teachers at Humber were wonderful with their ability to shape and mould young up-and-coming actors such as myself."

"It’s a great program that just keeps getting better and I recommend it to anyone seriously interested in acting."

Born on the small Caribbean island of Dominica, Dwain Murphy came to Canada when he was four years old. An only child with an active imagination, he loved to perform.

However, he was seriously bitten by the acting bug as a teen while watching Will Smith in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. When a high school teacher encouraged his talent in drama class, he resolved to pursue it earnestly and began looking into college-level programs after he graduated from high school.

Dwaine decided on Acting for Film & Television at Humber because, he says, it was local and not as expensive as some of the other schools he investigated. Dwain remembers that he auditioned doing a Charlie Brown monologue rather than the customary Shakespeare or scene from a movie. Nevertheless, he was accepted.

He didn’t, however, realize then just how much his time at Humber would change his life. Since leaving, he’s built up a pretty impressive list of credits including a starring role in the full-length feature How She Move; roles in Saving God and Poor Boy’s Game; a recurring role on Degrassi: The Next Generation; Guns, a mini-series; Three Rivers; and, most recently, Ghost Whisperer.

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Success Story: Hubert Tran

Success Story: Hubert Tran

Mon, August 25, 2014

"I would recommend this program for any aspiring actor..."

For someone who had no idea on how to approach the acting industry, the AFTV program at Humber college provided me with the essential tools in order to succeed.
The Business of Acting class proved very helpful in finding an agent for myself, the Auditioning class with Michael Caruana helped ease my nerves in the auditioning room, and having John Bourgeois and the rest of the staff coaching us students along the way helped me grow tremendously as an actor.

I would recommend this program for any aspiring actor wanting to propel their career forward.

Since I've graduated I've booked several commercials, a lead role on a web series and a recurring role on a television series called XIII. Had I not attended the AFTV program, I can confidently say that I would not have had the same opportunities.

Read more about Hubert on his
website: and follow him on
Twitter: @HubertTran

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Success Story: Brock Morgan

Success Story: Brock Morgan

Mon, August 25, 2014

"This program prepared me for the reality of working as a film and television Actor."

"With the coaching of establish professionals, I gained training and connections that has proved to be an essential building block to my career."

Follow Brock on Twitter @BrockM31 and read more about him on IMDb.

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Success Story: Julian Robino

Success Story: Julian Robino

Mon, August 25, 2014

"Humber's acting program is responsible for helping me find deeply rooted passion and learning to harness it as a refined craft."

"Each class and teacher is a necessary inspiration for the industry."

Follow Julian on Twitter @JulianRobino and read more about him on IMDb.

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Success Story: Richard Young

Success Story: Richard Young

Mon, August 25, 2014

Richard Young is a South Asian-Canadian actor/screenwriter.

His screen acting credits include Taken (NBC), Jett (Cinemax), Endlings (Hulu-CBC), Kim's Convenience (CBC), Incorporated (SyFy) and The Strain (FX).

Besides being an alumnus of the Humber AFTV program, he's also an alumnus of both the Writers' Guild of Canada/Bell Media Diverse Screenwriters Program. He has written for the television cartoon 16 Hudson (TVO), co-created/wrote the digital series Sudden Master (OMNI/Rogers), and created the digital sketch series Off2Kali which screened at ReelWorld. Additionally, Richard serves as the ACTRA Toronto Treasurer.

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Success Story: Danielle Watling

Success Story: Danielle Watling

Mon, August 25, 2014

"The Acting for Film and Television program at Humber is the best experience a young actor looking for training could have."

"The teachers are all wonderful and go above and beyond to make sure that the right courses are taught so that grads enter the acting world feeling confident. I wouldn’t trade this training for anything in the world."

Danielle Watling graduated from Acting for Film and Television where she was the recipient of both the President’s Letter and the Academic Achievement Award. She studied improv after graduating from Humber in 2009 and is now also a graduate of the Second City Conservatory Program.

Danielle is very active in the improv community and began studying how to teach it at Second City’s LIT program. This led to the wonderful experience of leading a class of teens.

As a young actor, Danielle is busy developing her film and television credits. Currently, these include the Nickelodeon pilot Kicked in the Business, Forensic Factor-F2 and Breakout. She will make her first feature length film debut in A Kiss and A Promise. She’s also done voiceover work on the popular CBC Radio drama Afghanada, and her theatre credits include Ran-Tar the Terrible, Citizen Vain and Beyond the Moors.

She is also the co-creator of Hogan and Watling Productions. The young company recently produced Frosty The Show-Man, its first show, and Danielle played Cindy Lou-Who.

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Success Story: Hannah Hogan

Success Story: Hannah Hogan

Mon, August 25, 2014

"At Humber, I learned that the best way to succeed in acting is to reach out to the peers and colleagues in your community for help and support."

Hannah Hogan graduated in 2007 from Humber's Acting for Film and Television program where she received the Brian Linehan Scholarship for Outstanding Artistic Promise.

She credits the program with giving her the confidence to pursue acting as a profession, and for enabling her to approach acting as a technical craft. Since leaving, Hannah has done several commercials, as well as short and feature length independent films. She became a member of ACTRA a year after graduating, and enjoys working with the most talented artists in the Canadian film industry. Most recently, she can be seen starring in the YTV series That’s So Weird, which was nominated for several Canadian comedy and Gemini Awards. She is also working on producing a web series with fellow graduate Stephen Kew, and looks forward to increasing her profile as an up-and-coming Canadian actress.

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Steph Tolev

Steph Tolev

Mon, August 25, 2014

Steph Tolev is a stand up and sketch comic born and raised in Toronto. 

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K Trevor Wilson

K Trevor Wilson

Mon, August 25, 2014

K. Trevor Wilson, the self proclaimed "Man Mountain of Comedy" has been performing for over 15 years.

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Jason Rouse

Jason Rouse

Mon, August 25, 2014

Jason Rouse is a renegade touring stand-up comedian taking the mainstream comedy world and turning it upside down.

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Michelle Shaunessy

Michelle Shaunessy

Mon, August 25, 2014

Michelle Shaunessy is a native of Peterborough Ontario.

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Nick Beaton

Nick Beaton

Mon, August 25, 2014

From a blue collar background, Nick Beaton cuts through the garbage of an overly bureaucratic society that takes itself way too seriously.

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Nathan Fielder

Nathan Fielder

Mon, August 25, 2014

Fielder has managed to both escape disaster and illustrate something fundamental to his comedy.

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Jake Labow

Jake Labow

Mon, August 25, 2014

Labow’s an über-successful Humber Comedy alumni who came to speak to us at one of our “Prime Time” seminars this week Sept 26/2012.

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Nikki Payne

Nikki Payne

Mon, August 25, 2014

Nikki Payne was born in Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia in 1976. She starred in FRO - The Movie and Wolf Canyon.

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Student Success: Elizabeth Waldorf

Student Success: Elizabeth Waldorf

Mon, August 25, 2014

Elizabeth Waldorf says she enrolled in Humber's Arts Administration & Cultural Management program for a very specific reason: "to get a job I loved".

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Student Success: Jillian Cockburn

Student Success: Jillian Cockburn

Mon, August 25, 2014

"After completing a university degree minoring in dance, I knew that I wanted to work in the arts and cultural sector."

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Success Story: Allison Dawn Doiron

Success Story: Allison Dawn Doiron

Fri, August 08, 2014

"I really enjoyed my time at Humber. I found the teachers to be professional and very helpful."

"It was nice to be able to feel comfortable with them and take from their experiences in the industry. The program truly prepared me for what was to come for me in the industry."

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Remembering Kenny Wheeler: Musician and Friend

Remembering Kenny Wheeler: Musician and Friend

Wed, January 01, 2014

Kenny Wheeler, a Canadian composer and trumpet and flugelhorn player, died earlier this fall at the age of 84.

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Inside the Band, by Mike Downes

Inside the Band, by Mike Downes

Wed, October 17, 2012

Humber music welcomed Ryan Truesdell as Composer in Residence from Oct. 17th to 19th 2012.

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Humber New Venture Seed Fund

Humber New Venture Seed Fund

Sun, January 01, 2012

One of the most exciting recent Humber initiatives is the Humber New Venture Seed Fund.

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Remembering Suyun Kim

Remembering Suyun Kim

Mon, December 12, 2011

So many of us at Humber Music are deeply saddened by the recent passing of Suyun Kim.


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