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Elizabeth Waldorf

"A job that I loved"

Elizabeth Waldorf says she enrolled in Humber's Arts Administration & Cultural Management program for a very specific reason: "to get a job I loved".

I was a mature student at the time, having had extensive education and work experience. This program, in a nutshell, provided raw skills and demonstrated work in the field, that I could combine with my background to apply for an arts management position of my choice.

Elizabeth had always been interested in the arts, especially painting, and was accepted to the Ontario College of Art, including a fifth year in the Florence, Italy studio program. After graduating she worked at several commercial art studios and galleries in downtown Toronto.

Back to school

Still searching for her niche, Elizabeth returned to school and received her Honours Bachelor of Art History at the University of Toronto. She then worked at Sotheby's and Five O Seven Antiques for a number of years before discovering Humber's Arts Admin program.


Elizabeth thoroughly enjoyed her work placements at the Ministry of Culture and the Oakville Museum, as the Coordinator for the city-wide event Open Doors Oakville and was hired for the first position she applied for upon graduating: Art Program Coordinator, City of Quesnel.

Five years later Elizabeth is still working with the City of Quesnel.

I feel a huge amount of satisfaction and pride that I, independently, create art and culture opportunities for a small northern BC community. The program definitely gave me skills as well as specific work experience that made all the difference gaining meaningful and satisfying employment.

Elizabeth is currently saving for a kayak and a house down payment.