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A Message from the Senior Dean: Music Degree Update

Over the past few months, the Faculty of Media & Creative Arts began a review of our Bachelor of Music program delivery. As part of that process, and to inform consultations this spring, many ideas for potential changes to the program were shared with faculty and students. 

Many of you have expressed your concerns, particularly over the past week. A significant amount of misinformation has been shared within Humber and the broader music community.  

I want to acknowledge the concerns raised and apologize for the way in which we have communicated about the program renewal process.

To provide a common understanding, here is the information about the program renewal process:

  • The Bachelor of Music’s program renewal process will commence in the May-June period. 
  • No decisions have been made regarding changes to the program.
  • There are no plans to reduce funding for this program. The program will continue to be funded as per Ministry requirements. 
  • This is a regularly scheduled process, occurring halfway through the period of ministerial consent for the degree program. It is not related to any changes to funding for the program.
  • Regular program renewals are important quality assurance processes that occur for every Humber postsecondary credential.
  • Program renewal processes for degrees ensure that the college is meeting all requirements set out by the Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board and the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. They also ensure that students within a program have consistent and high-quality learning experiences.
  • The Bachelor of Music program renewal process will be consistent with the approach used for all Humber programs and will include faculty, staff and students, as well as industry partners. As is the case with all programs, it will also be aligned with Humber’s commitment to create a more inclusive space for our students and staff.
  • No program changes, other than those which may be required as a result of legislative or accreditation requirements, would be implemented until Fall 2022.   
  • Any process enhancements designed to increase opportunities for current and future students will be developed and implemented in consultation and collaboration with faculty and the program advisory committee.

Another critical step we are taking is to refresh the membership of our Program Advisory Committee (PAC). We want to ensure that our PAC members are engaged in the program renewal process and can inform our decision-making. 

Humber’s long-standing commitment to the creative and performing arts is stronger than ever in many areas. 

Humber Music faculty raised their collective voice last June and committed “to listening, learning and implementing changes that directly address systemic racism.” We are developing and implementing a Faculty-specific plan to address systemic racism and implicit bias in Media & Creative Arts classrooms and processes in consultation with our communities. 

Preparatory work for the construction of the Humber Cultural Hub at the Lakeshore Campus is also underway. This is the college’s largest capital project in Humber’s history and will provide our music programs with exceptional teaching and learning facilities.  

We will be sharing information about the consultation opportunities for faculty, staff and students in the coming weeks and I hope you will be part of the discussions. Your engagement is critical to ensuring Humber Music’s ongoing success. 


Guillermo Acosta
Senior Dean, Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design

Guillermo Acosta

Guillermo Acosta
Senior Dean, Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design