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Richard Scrimger

Richard Scrimger has written adult novels, opinion pieces, and screenplays, but is best known for his quirky children’s books. There are a couple dozen of those. He’s won an award or two, been shortlisted for lots more, and given writing workshops around the world. Recent novels feature a neuro-divergent class clown, a sad racist, and the back end of Laura Secord’s cow. He’s about to publish a ‘surprisingly practical’ guide to writing. Richard may be hyperactively confused, or he may be living in the zen of ‘don’t know mind,’ which encourages curiosity and surprise. All four of his children are now older than he is.

Visit his website to find out more about him. His worldview isn’t very exciting (authoritarians bad, inclusion good, creativity important, puppies cute) and he doesn’t take pictures, so there isn’t much point in following him on social media.

Richard Scrimger