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Equipment List/Additional Costs

Mirrorless /DSLR Camera

Students require a DSLR or Mirrorless camera with 24-85mm F/3.5-4.5G ED lens, (or similar focal lengths) that is capable of tethering to Capture One software, and shooting HD video at 60 frames per second. Students mostly use either Nikon, Canon or Sony cameras, with Nikon being recommended as we have a wide range of Nikon prime lenses available for students to sign out for no cost short term loan.

Recommended cameras: Nikon Mirrorless Z5, Z6, Z7 or Z8, Nikon D780, Nikon D850, Canon EOS 6D Mk2, Canon Mirrorless EOS R, EOS R6 or EOS RP, Sony a7 Mk2, Sony a7 Mk3, Sony a7 Mk4.

  • FULL FRAME cameras are highly recommended.
  • Canon Rebels are not suitable for this program as some models do not have hot shoes that sync with studio transmitters.

Camera Buying Tips:

  • We recommend that you wait until the summer before first semester to purchase a camera, as new less expensive options often become available.
  • Check some of the larger photographic suppliers in Ontario e.g. Henrys and Vistek, along with smaller retailers (in Toronto Aden Camera or Downtown Camera), and compare pricing to find the best option.
  • All warranties are direct with the manufacturer so it does not matter which store you purchase from, and for the last 2 years there has been a student discount rebate available with manufacturers, announced each summer.


Students will also need a laptop that is capable of processing very large image files and HD video. MacBook Pro or PC equivalent. The laptop should be able to open and process 300MB TIFF files in Photoshop, and edit HD video in Adobe Premiere. Slower inexpensive computers will not be adequate for professional resolution image content.

Minimum requirements for laptop:
Pro 2.5GHz 16GB Memory/512GB SSD HD/13.3-inch.

(If you are considering a PC laptop, please check that it can tether capture with Capture One Pro software)

Software List
Please note: Your laptop must have the following software:

  • Adobe Photoshop CC
  • Adobe Bridge CC
  • Adobe Lightroom CC
  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC
  • Capture One Pro 22
  • Keynote
  • Microsoft Office

Note: Adobe Creative Suite which contains a number of required software items, is available at the Humber website at a student price. Microsoft Office is also available free of charge for Humber students. If you have any questions about equipment and software, please contact the Media Studies technicians at our Booking Centre 416.675.6622 ext. 4277. Instructions on how to purchase Capture One Pro at a discounted student rate will be explained during the first week of classes.

Other Equipment - Approximate costs indicated

Professional portable flash ($500), paper ($250) and supplies (as required).

Note: Please do not purchase any of the 'Other Equipment' before classes begin. Your instructors will offer guidance and technical advice for what is needed.