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Past Projects

woman with earpiece

Bernie Monette
March 2016

A team of Web Development and Multimedia Design and Development students worked with Fresh City Farms to perform usability testing on their website. Their research found that new users would benefit from a more simplistic process and Fresh City Farms will be implementing changes in the new year.

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game studio unleashed

Umer Noor
May 2013

The goal of this project was to develop a video game that would encourage students to persevere with challenging course material, keep on track with their courses, and engage with the resources available to them.This project also represented one of Humber College’s first forays into the world of “gamification”, where features typically seen in video games are used in non-game contexts.

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App Development

Andrew Ainsworth
May 2015

Talkabit, is a mobile application designed to enhance digital interaction between students using self-recorded, time-limited video on smart phones. The aim of the app is to facilitate active discussion of course content and increase social presence and engagement online by facilitating a timed back-and-forth conversation between two students. The videos can also be stitched together and shared with others.

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woman with earpiece

Nithyakalyani Thayananthan
April 2016

Working with RHSP Consulting, we developed a beta version of a workforce-planning application called EasyFTE to service the telecom/contact centre industry. EasyFTE will provide a cost- and user-friendly platform to calculate and understand high level FTE (full-time equivalent) staff requirements.

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cricket hero game play

Razieh Niazi
April 2016

ITS students partnered with Livera Sports Inc. to build a proof-of-concept fantasy cricket web platform, Cricket Hero. Cricket Hero allows players to play year-round against each other with accompanying content and analytics to provide a full-service fantasy cricket experience.

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Beyond Compliance

Hillary Rexe and Anne Zbitnew
April 2016

Researchers worked with a group of students from the Media Foundation program to determine how best to make video content in their courses universally inclusive and accessible. This investigation explored how learning to caption video affected the students’ perception of the importance of inclusive video content.

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appseed team

George Paravantes
September 2014

A team of Web Design and Interactive Media students developed the user experience and interface for Appseed, a mobile app. The company’s innovative technology allows users to easily and accurately turn hand-drawn sketches into interactive app prototypes using computer vision. The app identifies enclosed spaces on a sketch and allows users to turn them into buttons, maps, or other elements and input text.

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Nascent Digital

Greg Goralski
June 2015

In collaboration with Nascent Digital, our team designed, developed, and validated a prototype app that could connect Humber alumni with industry opportunities. The app is intended to be a way that alumni privately signal to their professors and trusted colleagues that they are ready for a new position or are available for mentoring.

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project management discussion

Pedro Serrador
Februar 2016

After designing and conducting a large-scale survey and performing an in-depth analysis on the global use of Agile and its efficacy, this study was able to provide Info-Tech Research Group with the needed data to support their existing members and gain a competitive advantage.

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Start Up Success

Pedro Serrador
September 2016

This comprehensive study looked into various factors that may predict success in the growth of a start-up as well as critical failure factors.


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